Apparently you are not aware of CCP talking points because I was quoting them. Why would anybody I like how you admit you are doing a power grab but get angry at the US and friends for not letting china control large swaths of ocean randomly. It's just freedom of navigation nobody is invading china. China if anything seems to be getting weaker, it may have reached its zenith. With points I brought up earlier and more china's rise on easy mode is over I would think many would agree. Even ccp propaganda speeches are talking about struggle this and fight that. The chinese population is being prepared for hardship. Not only are there continuing economic constraints but the gloves are coming off in terms of military build up in the US and other nations. I don't know the details as well for others but I will highlight the ones I know. Nations around are buying significant numbers of f-35s. China's build up is nothing new it's been going on for decades. China seems to be building fighters at a moderate pace and ships at a high pace.
Apparently, you are not aware of anything going on inside China. China was growing at 3x the pace of America, it's starting to get technologies that the US does not have, and now, with COVID, that is even more pronounced due to America's gaff. If you interpret this as China getting weaker, you clearly cannot be reasoned with and need to be left in your own little world. Easy mode is over because China is ascending from the tons of cheap labor phase into the technology-driven phase. Chinese people specialize at overcoming hardship; at no time in history was the gap between China and the US closer than now.
China's ballistic missiles are nice to make up for lack of either numbers of platform effectiveness but that won't last long in a war those missiles will probably be depleted fast. Hard to say how effective they would be. The US has a large advantage in the air and still some at sea. China has home field advantage but has less friends and has island barriers that are mostly hostile to it penning it in. China is starting to put out major surface combatants at a fast pace like type55 but they have catching up to do with numbers. In the air front which I think is most important long term the US not only is ahead but seems to be pulling away if anything. Not only with numbers of 5gens or advanced 4th gens but in development of 5gens and now 6gen coming along. Spy-6,sm-6 upgrade, f-22 mlu, f-35 upgrade, aim-260, perhaps other air to air missiles, next gen harm, JSM cruise missile for f-35, f-35c on US carriers, f-35B on lightning carriers, lifting restrictions on missile development from INF treaty to also put missiles around the pacific, and b-21 to name high profile change all probably within 5 years and some as soon as 2 years. I know china is more secretive but what will it do to counter all that? Finally finish j-20s engine? Keep pumping out modern but not cutting edge ships? It seems the US has kicked into high gear and I am wondering what china will do to not fall behind? Hopefully you give a serious answer it's a genuine question.
The missiles will be depleted fast, but not faster than American assets they sink. Play numbers game against missiles? LOLOL America is losing its dominance as new Chinese technologies come into play like hypersonic ICBMs and ships that are the most modern and powerful in the world like the 055. China is eroding America's technological advantage while building faster than any other country. America wouldn't be so scared and irritable if it wasn't the case. America may try to kick into high gear, but even that high gear is being outstripped by a China that's just simply growing into its right gear.
They will never believe china is more rightous they don't have chinese bases for a reason. If china wants peace it can stop it's military build up and territorial grabs along with tech theft and so on. You are no2 for a reason and frankly that is too much for you if this is what you are going to do with it. If nobody was doing anything to you then why do you need to own that water? Even duterte is wary of china's influence and is getting bolder as the coalition gets bolder. You really think the US, japan, Austrailia, india are going to just kneel down to your demands? You are making this all too easy to counter. If china was going to intimidate them into submission it would have happened by now. Even tiawan is arming and getting more confident.
Never is a long long time; apparently, you didn't know that this year, China overtook America in the global approval scale. No military in the world builds as fast as China. If America wants peace, it will never interfere with Chinese affairs. China's no2 because it spent a few hundred years in dynastic rule neglecting science. In the recent decades, it rose from the bottom to no2; in time, it will be no1 for a reason and that is because China has the highest population of intelligent, education-driven people in the world governed by the most effective government in the world. Taiwan's scared and complaining that PLAAF fighters are flying next to it telling it this is Chinese territory. Do I think they'll all kneel to China? Well, China's been reclaiming and expanding its territory in the SCS successfully, hasn't it? With China's rise, more submission from its neighbors will come in time.
Securing sea lanes benefits easy global trade. You are going to blame the plight of chinese people on the US? The US doesn't control china. China is controlled buy a communist dictatorship and I don't care if it has ambitions I don't want that influence in the world. My ambition is to stay as free as possible and China growing doesn't help that end. China largely has the US and nixon to thank for it's recent wealth and technology and everyone knows it. The chinese who were laboring on the cheap would be peasants if not for the US opening up trade with them but that was an obvious mistake. Never give communists money or power they will just want more. The US isn't perfect but the ccp makes them look good by comparison. Maybe china can get richer while not taking over the world.
Who cares what you want in the world? 1.4 Chinese people want different. You want your freedom, stay out of China's way; nobody will come for that worthless crap. How pathetic of you to try to take credit for China's advances; America exploited China and China exploited America back. Guess we see who won that exchange, eh? LOL And nobody makes the US look good in comparison; even Somalia's pretty close right now looking at the police brutality in the US.