Just for your information, they have come all the way already.
US coast guard visiting Hong Kong.
South and East China Seas are US territorial waters.
Just for your information, they have come all the way already.
US coast guard visiting Hong Kong.
Provocations from the US around China's territorial waters have grown, and Chinese experts warned on Thursday that such actions will only increase the risk of military conflict and do nothing for regional stability and peace.
The Chinese side has closely followed and fully grasped the situation of US warships traversing the Taiwan Straits, and the related department has lodged solemn representations, Lu Kang, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said at a routine press conference on Thursday.
Lu's remarks came after the US sent two naval vessels through the Taiwan Straits on Wednesday.
"The Taiwan question is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations. We urge the US to abide by the one-China principle and the three joint communiqués between China and the US and handle them cautiously and properly, so as not to have a negative impact on Sino-US relations," Lu warned.
Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, told the Global Times on Thursday that the US is trying to enlarge its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region under the guise of freedom of navigation, which violates international law and is doomed to fail.
Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University's Institute of International Relations in Beijing, told the Global Times that it is not surprising at all that the US will comprehensively put pressure on and provoke China not only in trade, but also in the field of security.
The US is ready to sell its idea of Indo-Pacific strategy and probably launch accusations at China on security issues at the upcoming in Singapore, so these actions are also creating an intense atmosphere for the US at the security forum on May 31, Li said.
Aside from the Taiwan question, US politicians are also trying to hype issues related to other parts of China's territorial waters.
US Senator Marco Rubio told the South China Morning Post that US senators from both political parties are expected to reintroduce an act on Thursday committing the US government to curb Chinese individuals and entities involved in activities in the South China Sea and East China Sea.
China firmly opposes the proposal, which violates the basic norms of international law and international relations, Lu said on Thursday, adding, "we urge the US to refrain from promoting the review of relevant proposals and avoid further disrupting China-US relations."
He noted that China's construction of islands and reefs on its own territory in the South China Sea is entirely within the scope of sovereignty.
The Chinese foreign ministry hit back on Thursday at a to punish Chinese individuals and entities for “illegal and dangerous” activities in the South China Sea.
Lu Kang, a spokesman for the ministry, said the “legislation violates the basic norms of international law and international relations and the Chinese side, of course, firmly objects”.
He said the construction of reefs on disputed territory – one of the activities cited in the draft legislation – was “fully within the scope” of China’s sovereign rights.
“We urge the US side not to proceed the deliberation of the legislation, in order not to bring new disruption to the China-US relations,” Lu told a regular press briefing.
Marco Rubio, the US Republican who is leading the drive to introduce the legislation, told the South China Morning Post, that a bipartisan group of senators would reintroduce the South China Sea and East China Sea Sanctions Bill on Thursday.
The bill would require the government to seize US-based financial assets and revoke or deny US visas to anyone engaged in “actions or policies that threaten the peace, security or stability” of areas in the South China Sea that are contested by one or more members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
The bill would also require the US secretary of state to provide Congress with a report every six months identifying any Chinese person or company involved in construction or development projects in contested areas of the sea.
Activities targeted by the bill include land reclamation, the making of islands, lighthouse construction and the building of mobile communication infrastructure.
Initially introduced in March 2017, the proposed legislation will need to pass both the Senate and House of Representatives before being sent to President Donald Trump to sign into law.
Andrew Thompson, a former US defence department official said, “the introduction of the act reflects the bipartisan outrage over China’s actions in the maritime areas on its periphery, as well as Congress’s frustration that the [Trump] Administration’s response has been limited to freedom of navigation operations and rhetoric”.
“Inaction by the US, other maritime countries, claimant states, however, hasn’t made the situation any better either, so there is no real cost to the US for stepping up its opposition to China’s behaviour and imposing costs on companies and individuals responsible for China’s actions in the East and South China seas,” continued Thomson, a visiting senior research fellow with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.
“The act will not reduce tensions, and it will potentially give China a justification to harden its position and even seek to further restrict access to international waters and airspace,” he said.
Diao Daming, an associate professor of international relations specialising in US Congressional studies at Renmin University in Beijing said he was not surprised by the proposal given the US Congress has already passed a number of bills targeting China over the past two years and there was no sign this trend would stop.
“Since 2017, the US Congress has passed multiple laws that seriously interfered in Chinese domestic affairs – which had never happened before in the congressional history,” he said.
A witness says Australian navy helicopter pilots were hit by lasers while exercising in the South China Sea, forcing them to land as a precaution.
Scholar Euan Graham, who was on board the on a voyage from Vietnam to Singapore, said in an account of the incident that the lasers had been pointed from passing fishing vessels while the Canberra was being trailed by a Chinese warship.
China in the South China Sea composed of fishing vessels equipped to carry out missions just short of combat. China claims the strategic waterway virtually in its entirety and is sensitive to all foreign naval action in the area, especially by the U.S. and allies such as Australia.
“Was this startled fishermen reacting to the unexpected? Or was it the sort of coordinated harassment more suggestive of China’s maritime militia? It’s hard to say for sure, but similar incidents have occurred in the western Pacific,” Euan Graham wrote run by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, an independent, non-partisan think tank based in Canberra.
The account of the incident appeared Tuesday.
Similar incidents involving lasers and the Chinese military have also been reported as far away as Djibouti, where the U.S. and China have bases. Last year, the U.S. complained to China after lasers were directed at aircraft in the Horn of Africa nation that resulted in minor injuries to two American pilots.
China denied that its forces targeted the U.S. military aircraft.
Graham said that while bridge-to-bridge communications with the Chinese during the voyage were courteous, the Chinese requested the Australian warships notify them in advance of any corrections to their course.
That was something the Australian navy was "not about to concede while exercising its high-seas freedoms," Graham wrote.
He wrote that the constant presence of Chinese vessels shadowing foreign ships appeared to indicate that the Chinese fleet had grown large enough to allow it to have vessels lying in wait for just such orders.
He said their trailing actions also appeared to show that China's over-the-horizon surveillance capability was also maturing, supported by technology based at points such as Fiery Cross Reef in the contested Spratly island group where China has built military installations and an airstrip atop coral reefs.
Five other governments have claims in the South China Sea that overlap with China's, and the U.S. and its allies insist on the right to sail and fly anywhere in the area is permitted under international law, despite China's differing interpretation of such guidelines.
Graham, who is executive director of La Trobe Asia at La Trobe University in Australia, was one of several academics invited to observe Australia’s engagement exercise Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2019.
You have China confused with the US. It is because your government speaks 10 lies and half a truth that you think other governments do too. You see, the Chinese said it is within our sovereign right to build on our territory; the author translated that to disputed territory. For another country to dispute it means nothing to the rights of its owner, which is China. What China said makes perfect sense to me. We can dispute Hawaii and Guam all day and all night till the end of time but it doesn't doesn't affect America's rights to build on them, does it?This is an example of a propaganda department that has lost complete awareness of what it is saying when BS becomes the norm. Both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan made the same claim. It is nothing more than aggression at best and invasion at worst.
Is that the depth and quality of your rebuttal? Territorial disputes are subject to a process and internationally recognised set of rules. The disputes had been adjudicated. It is just China's refusal to accept the outcome. It is not grounded on your opinion nor subject to your insistence. Responsible sovereign nations subscribe to a rule based order. Belligerent nations act by fiat and bullying until it meets a stronger nation pushing back and then it complains about bullying. How ironic.. .Thanks for recognizing that in yourself. Are you gonna take classes or meditate or just let it be?
That's once again ironic humor coming from someone who has shown himself to be incapable of even understanding another point of view when it is broken down from him in text. And if I am immersed in propaganda, it is American propaganda, so you see, I'm actually the person who thinks independently from propaganda, unlike you.
LOL Just because anyone else insists they're not Chinese doesn't mean they don't belong to China. Did you not check the inverse of your logic before attempting to use it? I insist that none of America's territories belong to it since it slaughtered the natives to steal it. Doesn't change anything just like the opinion of others has no bearing on China's territories. China has no reason to accept any arbitration because they have no authority above China and its sovereignty. This is all common logic everyone here can see; if you don't understand it, it is obviously your inability to think and reason, or even read and comprehend, not mine/ours.
Congrats you described the united state's behavior and you dare call others brainwashed.Is that the depth and quality of your rebuttal? Territorial disputes are subject to a process and internationally recognised set of rules. The disputes had been adjudicated. It is just China's refusal to accept the outcome. It is not grounded on your opinion nor subject to your insistence. Responsible sovereign nations subscribe to a rule based order. Belligerent nations act by fiat and bullying until it meets a stronger nation pushing back and then it complains about bullying. How ironic.. .
Yes, that's the depth and quality of my rebuttal, and it's a hell of a lot better than any of yours, which every time, leave many areas unaddressed and is certainly heaven and hell better than your, "Polls suck" response.Is that the depth and quality of your rebuttal? Territorial disputes are subject to a process and internationally recognised set of rules. The disputes had been adjudicated. It is just China's refusal to accept the outcome. It is not grounded on your opinion nor subject to your insistence. Responsible sovereign nations subscribe to a rule based order. Belligerent nations act by fiat and bullying until it meets a stronger nation pushing back and then it complains about bullying. How ironic.. .
You are conflating UN consensus with international tribunals. You need to first get your facts straight.Yes, that's the depth and quality of my rebuttal, and it's a hell of a lot better than any of yours, which every time, leave many areas unaddressed and is certainly heaven and hell better than your, "Polls suck" response.
The more you talk, the more ironic it is. Even a small country like Britain does not accept the UN consensus that it should return Chagos Islands to Mauritius. Israel can't even stop killing Palestinians due to UN resolution. Ask Russia to give up anything and it's all middle fingers. What chance do you think China can be made to do so? Better yet, when in the history of humanity has a country, not to mention a powerful country, ever given up sovereign territory due to international courts? Give me an example of one such "responsible" nation. You come here and talk about your fairy tale rules that nobody follows and then says because China also ignores them, then China is a bully?
Once again, you need to think independently from the propaganda fed to you like I have.