Trump’s Turn Toward China Curtails Navy Patrols in Disputed Zones
Its weird this article has not been mentioned. Basically US Pacific Command (Admiral Harry B. Harris who was born in Japan) wants to keep doing the freedom of navigation thing, but look like either Trump or US military rejected this because they don't want to upset China while they are helping US with the fat Kim situation.
This is very interesting, such thing would never fly under Obama or Hillary.
Whats most important is that the SCS issue has been pushed way behind on US's list of priorities. Also by doing this, US indirectly acknowledge China's strength in Asia. I cannot believe China's predicament has been changed so dramatically in just a few years.
I guess when Trump said you will get sick of winning... he was talking about winning for China.
I'm not surprised that the USA is gradually folding over the SCS, as the hand is heavily stacked against the USA.
I already outlined how China over-matches everyone else in almost every scenario, barring a full-scale conflict with the USA.
For example, civilian usage of the SCS with fishing boats, cargo ships, oil platforms, exploration vessels, archaeology/scientific expeditions etc.
Then there is the overmatch with the Chinese maritime fishing militia, backed up by the overmatch in Coast Guard ships.
Then we have the Chinese military, which overmatches everyone else in the SCS, barring full-scale war with the USA. And everyone agrees that the SCS islands are not worth a war.
Then there is the broader economic overmatch with China being at the centre of the Asia trading network and investment network. Note that China is already the world's largest trading nation and net overseas investor.
And as I mentioned previously, Hillary Clinton made a strategic mistake when she "refreshed her memory" and somehow became the Chinese government spokesperson who announced that China had made the SCS a core interest, and trapped the Chinese government into that policy.
See Geoff Dyer's comments in Contest of the Century
In summary, Hillary Clinton thought that China would have to fold and that the SCS nations would draw closer to the USA. However, she fundamentally underestimated China's resolve and also China's winning position in the SCS balance of power.
Recent FT Article on views in ASEAN
"Almost three-quarters of the respondents from government, business, academia, the media and civil society in the survey by Singapore’s Iseas-Yusof Ishak Institute think-tank saw China as the most influential country or organisation in Southeast Asia now and during the next 10 years."