First off, cut it with your petty personal attacks. You are not going to provoke me, so don't even bother. All you are achieving is making youself look immature and petty.
I’m sorry, did you not just call me a “simpleton” and “lacking in mental facilities”? Perhaps forum rules allow for massive hypocrisy, but you riding the high horse here makes me LOL.
How is it in America's interests to start a shooting war with China after an unilateral Chinese ceasefire? What would be the aims and benefits of doing that given the enormous costs and far greater risks involved? How does America expect to end that fight after they start it?
I already highlighted for you why the US would scoff at a “unilateral Chinese ceasefire”, which you have chosen to ignore because you have no good response for it. Because doing otherwise would literally undermine every other defense treaty the US has. The US bowing out of a conflict between Japan and China would signal the end of US preeminence in the region on a geopolitical level, even if the US still had the military muscle to flex there. No country would trust the US to back them up in any future scuffle with China, and they would immediately cozy up to China and leave the US behind. The US knows this full well. If Japan and China get into a shooting war over DYT or anything else, the US is going in whole hog. It’s that or lose the hearts and minds of Asian countries forever.
Both sides will likely deploy military forces to try and secure the area before launching rescue operations, while treating the mirror claims and actions of the other as a transparent cover and pretext to seize military control of the area and the islands.
Seize military control of the islands? In whose interest is it to “seize” military control of the islands and ramp up the conflict to a whole new level? China? They can’t hold those islands, and even if they declared a unilateral ceasefire, their boots would still be on the ground on DYT, massively undermining any pretense of “ceasefire” while the rest of the world sees China currently occupying foreign territory. Japan? They have no need to militarize it since they have current administrative control already and doing so would take the current standoff over the islands to a whole new level, something Japan has no interest in escalating.
Given the general level of hostility the Chinese and Japanese populous has towards each other, it's frankly hard to see how one side or the other could pull back even if they wanted to if the shooting really starts.
I know it’s in your interest to front a strong desire for conflict to further your little scenario here, but remember that we are talking about the real world, not online forums with internet generals trying to fan the flames of war. Chinese and Japanese popular sentiment are highly unfavorable towards each other, there is no doubt of this. But this is NOT the same as saying that these same people either in the civilian or the military communities would actually desire a military conflict with the other country.
Go ahead and show me a poll saying that the part of the populations of both countries who actually want war are at the highest level they have been since diplomatic relations were established between the PRC and Japan, and even if this is the case, how this bilateral sentiment could realistically translate into an actual war.
China's game plan is to deliver a knock-out blow a s quickly as possible to the Japanese such that they are unable to continue fighting. At which point China will be able to call a unilateral end to hostilities.
I was assuming you had the intelligence and imagination to follow the clear path I set; to easily see how one attack could lead to a retaliation, in turn triggers another response. It's pretty basic game theory stuff. I just followed it to its natural conclusion without spelling out every last minute detail and permutation along the way because I frankly have far better things to do with my time.
Now, are you asking me to map it all out in such excruciating detail because you honestly lack the mental facilities to do work it all out yourself, or are you just looking to score some cheap points?
I salute how you have now twice anticipated and preempted me because you know your own vulnerabilities so well. By accusing me of being too dumb to map out a realistic scenario, you think you can avoid having to present an actual working scenario and not sound ridiculous in the process. Well, YOU were the one who pressented the scenario, YOU are the one who needs to back up the superiority of Chinese forces in this conflict.
Well isn't it obvious? Gain control of the Diaoyutai islands, while dealing a decisive blow to the Japanese naval and air forces to remove a main strategic rival; demonstrating Chinese military capabilities, resolve, and ultimately, restraint to anyone else watching to fundamentally undermine the fantasy America has created to underpin its position in Asia as the provider of security guarantees.
Wow, I thought it was as simple as a limited naval engagement that you were envisioning. But your fantasies are clearly FAR more grandiose than I could have possibly imagined. Deal a “decisive blow to the Japanese naval and air forces to remove a main strategic rival”??? Am I actually reading this correctly? This wildly surreal statement stands in direct contradistinction to your stated goal of a limited conflict that would be resolved before the US could gather in force and overwhelm Chinese forces. Now it’s actually to deal a “decisive” blow to the Japanese military and “remove” a strategic rival. Not only that, it also makes a total mockery of your already surreal assertion that the US would not respond militarily if the Chinese only stopped fighting before the US arrived, now having apparently totally destroyed the bulk of the Japanese military. “Your ally Japan is toast. Let’s just shake hands and move forward like gentlemen.” LOL
And do you really think the US have enough assets cumulatively in all of those places, ready to set sail instantly, while still leaving sufficient forces in place to maintain the balance of forces and continue operational commitments necessary in those regions, to allow them to risk open conflict with China?
Please, indulge me. Draw up an order of battle of US forces forward deployed in those areas, apply availability ratios to determine assets ready to deploy, then allocate forces to remain on station to meet local operational requirements and show me what you think the US could actually deploy within a week.
You mean maintaining the balance of forces in Diego Garcia, Bahrain, Honolulu, Chinhae, Gua,, and Yokosuka? To guard against who? The Tongans? The Australians? Oh, I know, you’re thinking of the Madagascarians. I will draw up an ORBAT for US forces if you draw up an ORBAT for PLAN forces that can be brought to bear on DYT. Remember that this was YOUR original scenario, not mine. Remember to apply availability ratios to determine assets ready to deploy, then allocate forces to remain on station to meet local operational requirements and show me what you think China could actually deploy within a week.
Given the overwhelming advantage in air and naval strike power the Chinese have over the Japanese, it's hard to see how such a conflict would end other in the destruction of the Japanese fleet.
It’s not true just because fanbois may say it is true. Please detail the “overwhelming advantage” in air and naval strike power that the Chinese have over the Japanese. Trying to play the “it’s self-evident” card will just make your claims look even weaker than they already are now.
It all boils down to whether the US really wants to fight this fight. If America wants to fight, it can dream up any pretext *cough* WMD *cough*. Similarly, if America doesn't want a piece of that fight, it can easily lawyer its way out.
After all, this is hardly without real life prescedent. The US also has a mutual defence treaty with South Korea. Where was the wrath of the American military when North Korea shelled South Korean territory again? How about that time they sunk a South Korean warship?
Oh yes, I have no doubt in your mind that lobbing over some shells into a DMZ is the same as “removing” a formal treaty ally, “decisively” destroying the bulk of its military. Well played, sir. Well played. I think even if Japan and/or China sunk one of each other’s destroyers in a heated battle, as long as the situation did not escalate any further and Japan didn’t make a big stink out of it, the US would certainly still have enough strategic ambiguity to remain out of the fight. But you have made it absolutely certain what the American level of participation would be in your fantasy scenario.
As bad as leaving Japan flapping in the breeze would be for America, fighting a nuclear war with China will be incalculably worse.
Of course you would fail to realize that China has made the same calculation about fighting a nuclear war with the US, or that the US has made the calculation that China has made the calculation. There is no real winner in any nuclear war, but in a nuclear war between China and the US, China would become a giant smoldering crater. I think even you cannot dispute the numbers.