That's why I argue China and Pakistan should create a way for India to become a CPEC stakeholder. Involved nations are better off if India climbs into the boat and share in its success, than staying outside taking shots at it.
Inviting India into CPEC is just a step too far for a suspicious India.
At this stage, a separate India-China framework is the only feasible solution, which is what is being proposed by China under OBOR.
India is even stalling on BCIM (Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar) because they're worried about the North Eastern states.
The North Eastern states in India have semi-active insurgencies because of an incompetant and neglectful government in Delhi.
There's even open musing that they would be better off under Chinese rule, as they would at least get roads, railways, schools, doctors, electricity, etc
Instead, all they see is an Indian state that takes from them whilst giving nothing back