China has said that India is not happy with CPEC but we are trying to explain that there is no political purpose of the project but bringing peace and prosperity in the region is its main objective.
According to the news agency, China's Consulate Director Chenfing briefed the delegation of the Council of Newspapers Editor, saying that there are no political objectives of the CP and neither it will be confused in regional conflicts, The main objective of the Economic Radiation Project is to increase mutual relations.
He said that the China Radiation wants to include more countries in the project.
He said that the final time for the completion of the Gwadar project can not be told but special areas will be established and the quality of the local people is improving.
Referring to the shortage of water in Gwadar, the spokesperson said that China has planted a small water-treatment plant for its needs, which is inaccessible to meet the needs of the local population.
He said about peace and security, that the Chinese workers and institutions are going to Pakistan.
Therefore, we are concerned about security, but Pakistan's security situation is satisfied but there is always a lot of improvement, therefore the Chinese government Pakistan and the army remain in constant touch.
After the announcement against the terrorist organization of the Organization of Organization Organization, Josh Mohammad Maulana Masood Azhar, on the question, he said, "Waiting for a resolution against Maulana Masood Azhar is not a contradictory policy of our policy because members of the Total Brick Organization China did not make any such agreement, it has repeatedly clarified India, we have no extinguished ambitions, we will make the pure China Economic Corridor for the relationship between the brothers and sisters at the level of equality from all the neighbors in the region. Wish to resolve peace disputes with dialogue and mutual dialogue What are you doing?
Similarly, on the question of interference in foreign affairs in the neighboring countries of India, he said China is making every effort to convince India to abandon this attitude.
He said that there is no party in the dispute between China, India is unconcerned on any part of Kashmir's occupation of China, which has been widely denied in the past, Kashmir is both controversial in Pakistan and India. Peace and prosperity can begin in a peaceful manner as soon as possible.
The spokesperson answered Dravi Lama's queries about the activities in India, saying that on Dai Lama's activities, we keep India aware of our reservations, India has assured us that they are only refugees, but Dai Lama and its Will not allow terrorist activities against China on Indian soil.
Talking about peace talks in Afghanistan, the spokesperson said that in this case there is close contact with Pakistan, but the general atmosphere is not favorable for it, there should be a process of conduct in this regard, the United States to counter terrorism Need help and cooperation, China is pleased with Pakistan's cooperation and terrorism against terrorism in East Turkmenistan.