Old Russia and USSR were much more developed and industrialized than China of the same time. China was one of the poorest country in the world; it was basically an agrarian society with over 90% of its population illiterate in 1949 when the PRC was founded. On a per capita basis, China was also rather poor, particularly compared to the USSR/Russia. Economically, USSR reached its peak in the '70s because of the high oil price. For China to be fully developed, it's difficult to follow the model of the western countries due to their earlier industrialization and colonization. It's also difficult for China to become a wealthy or even middle-income country following the example of some resource-rich countries in Middle East, Latin America or indeed USSR - and these countries eventually have become stagnant or fallen into "middle-income trap" as the best scenario.
What makes most sense for China to develop is the East Asia model, i.e., focusing on industrialization and human capital improvement, through a combination of strong central authority and market economy. This model also bootstraps itself through export to the global market, with corresponding domestic reforms. This is largely what China has done in the last thirty-plus years. And it has been quite successful, to say the least.
Don't underestimate the difficulty of industrialization and modernization, which is what really underpinned the developed countries. If you look at the world over a hundred years ago and the world today, the list of countries that were/are really developed has not changed much. The only few new entrants there are a few East Asian countries/economies, with only Japan being a large country.
For China, the nation with billion plus population to achieve where it is today is actually extremely difficult and a miracle. The per capita income improvement has been nothing but extraordinary, but I'll give it that compared to its corresponding economic growth and certainly compared to fellow East Asian countries such as Singapore or South Korea at similar stage of development, the per capita improvement definitely is not as fast.
The primary reason is because China is a much, much larger country with a much, much larger population, and it invests a much larger share of its economic output in industrialization and infrastructure. China today has by far the world's largest industrial output, and it has the broadest industrial base in the world and competes in every industry sector identified by UN, even though China may not be the most advanced in many sectors at present. It's almost like a national religion, whether it's because paranoid or ambition or simply pride. From an economic comparative advantage standpoint, this may not be the most efficient, at least in short to medium term. China also invests so much in infrastructure, it's infrastructure is world class, whether compared to developing or developed countries. Infrastructure, as we all know, is a low return business, in short or medium term. But its importance to a China of continental size with 1.4 billion population can not be overstated - its benefits are long term, more diffused and goes beyond just economy.
The investment in broad industrialization and infrastructure lays the strong foundation for China's future, as much progress as it has made so far. They are also cause for "concern" among some people.
I understand "debt" is currently the "new hope" among those who wish China collapses. But comparing debts in today's China and the former USSR is just ridiculous. Debt and asset are really a market economy thing. In the former USSR and indeed PRC before the '80s, there was no concept of debt beyond the external national debts. There were no bond markets, not even bank loans. There were not even commercial banks in China before the '90s. There was only People's Bank of China, which served as the central bank (if such a concept existed then) and it functioned really as the government's cashier. So there were no internal debts then.
I would agree debt growth is a concern in today's China and the government would need to rein the growth sooner or later. But pinning their hope on debt crippling or collapsing China's economy is simply misunderstanding the nature of debts in China.
As it stands now, China's external debts relative to its assets, e.g. foreign currency reserves, are quite small. There is no potential payment crisis; in any case China as the world's largest exporter generates $600 billion current account surplus a year. Its nominal debts are largely internal; the government's debts are quite low (40% GDP) and consumer debts are even lower and very healthy (20% GDP).
The majority of the debts therefore are corporate and commercial debts. Among them, the majority of them are attributed to the state-own enterprises (SOE), to which they owe to the state banks. It's a concern, to be sure. But in a very bottom-line sense, it's a right-pocket vs left-pocket thing. Also, one main reason that the corporate debts are higher is because overall China relies much less on equity financing (just compare the total stock market capitalization and total corporate debts as shares of respective GDP in China and the US), and more on bonds and bank loans. Additionally, some of the debts should really be financed by long-term corporate or government bonds, instead of bank loans. For example, Railway Corp of China has accumulated very large debt (3-4 trillion yuan) due to the large investments in railways and high-speed rail in the last few years, they could be financed by low-interest, long-term treasury bonds as national debt.
To characterize today's Chinese leadership as dictator is completely off the mark. It's authoritarian government that is development-focused and largely merit-based. National development is evolutionary, both in economy and governance. China has evolved its economy tremendously and its governance and political leadership have adapted well in the last several decades. Its effectiveness and performance have been proven far much successful than the vast majority of countries, both developing and developed. China still has a long way to go, and its economy and governance will continue to evolve. Judging by its past records and its ability to adapt, the evolving Chinese system will last and continue to be successful, contrary to naysayers.