Where do I start, first the gender imbalance is in fact overstated, because many of these supposed infanticides are simply cases of parents refusing to register their baby girls in the census. While some older generation Chinese are inclined to want to carry on their name, Chinese parents, especially the fathers, are hardly willing to sacrifice their daughters, they have a strong protective instinct.
Secondly, while we are at the topic of population I might add that the population aging is also overstated, because among the city dwelling Chinese population there is a lot more marital freedom. I know many cases of Chinese woman marrying and having a child with one husband, then divorcing and having a family with another, this is allowed as long as one parent does not have a child. In this sense 3 parents will have 2 children, not only throwing off earlier estimates but also partly offsetting the gender imbalance.
Not true at all, China during the Ming dynasty is the most capitalistic nation on Earth, surpassed by none. The fall of the Ming dynasty was because it became so decentralized that the local capitalists had as much influence regionally as the Emperor. Fatcats were getting fatter by using loopholes to evade taxes and exploiting the people, living standards fell and the dynasty collapsed before a combination of rebels, corruption, traitors, and foreign invasion.
That is the kind of complacency I am afraid of, people(myself included) living without a certain amount of pressure will become unproductive. The current life style in Canada and the US is the result of generations of people working under intense pressure, which is the stage China is at right now. Once China get her per capita GDP to the levels of Canada and US, then they can take a step back and relax.
it happened in hk, and it's bound to happen in china too. i'm talking about the materialism. there are a flux of new part-time models in hk lately, and young girls who will date/have sex with "boyfriends who buy their time"