China tells US to "shut up"


Deleted member 675

oringo said:
However, I am disappointed as this "full interview" turned out to be another radio report put together with interview clips.

There was another broadcast, this one with the pure interview, put on later. I think it was for the World Service, but sadly I can't remember what show it was.

Anyway, the interviewer was fairly "respectful", as PeoplesPoster said. She asked some challenging questions, but there was nothing provocative in her attitude or the way she phrased them. Certainly they weren't questions I hadn't heard asked before of China.

EDIT: Golle, I can't even remember what I said now. If you moderators want to delete something, it might be an idea to send a PM with what was wrong so members can be clearer on what not to say.
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New Member
Well" I think this is a quote form the movie "Red October" or close to it. "The Russians dont take a dump with out a plan". From what I have seen in world news "The PLA does not take a dump with out a 20 year plan". So, what happend here? Looks like a mistake, hope they dont go to hard on the guy. Remember- the west is a bunch of diplomats and there memory is short.

Hey I used the word diplomat instead of another because I did not want to get a warning.


VIP Professional
Registered Member

I think FuManChu has a valid point. I heard a clip of the interview where he was screaming "shut up." Now I didn't hear the question before that, but if you just listen to that part, it sounds very much like he is a lunatic. I think this is sort of like Howard Dean's "O-Ya" speech after he lost Democratic Primary election in Ohio. There are several points that I think need to be considered:

....Oh yeas, but then again you didn't see the part I deleted and thus the red markings...;)

With subjects like these you need to be carefull to not take this overline, so thats why we will cut out all trollings and the stuff that I deleted from Fumanchus post was just that...


New Member
lol, such a funny thread

first I dont think that the CHinese would be so indiscriminate with their choice of words to say 'Shut Up' directly, but indirectly, well why not... someone has to say that to the US, so kudoos to China for saying it (indirectly)

Also, the chinese military build-up is not a great cause for concern either, with a pre-existing large force (since the 50's mind u!), they are only modernizing and upgrading it to meet its needs in the 21st century.
Plus, China is a major power in Asia and needs to maintain its security and vital shipping lanes secure from any possible issues in the future.

It, seems according to certain western countries(....USA!) only certain countries or selected nations are allowed to build up their armies as is the case with India nowadays, which I believe is being built up and egged to act as a counter to China which is quite frankly ridiculous as there is no comparison btw the two countries as China's development, economy is growing phenomenally while the other still suffers from chronic poverty and mass degradation ?400 million below the poverty line(but thats an entirely different question)

The Chinese have shown themselves to be responsible and considerate vis-a-vis their foreign policy and military intentions, the only exception being perhaps Taiwan but that is understandable considering the sensitivities over this last bastion of Chinese territorial integrity. The reverse can be said of US policy and its own arms buildup and its subsequent indiscriminate use throughout the world. If anything, the whole world should join this chorus and be telling the US, in certain regards, to 'hush up'!


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Read my post #9...
Responses like this possibly show how young some of you are. No offense intended towards anyone.

In my opinion the US has no business questioning the PRC's military spending. None what so ever. And the PRC does not need to answer.

The US DoD constantly mentions the PRC military build up to gain political favors from the US Congress to spend more money on more equipment and for futher R & D on new weapons. The US DoD has simply painted the PRC as it's new advasary much like it did the Soivets decades ago. To futher build against the PLA the US is gradually positioning more forces in the Pacific region.

You see "padawan's" that's how those games are played

In reality most of the comments made by DoD and Sec of "D" Rumsfield about the PLA are directed not at the PRC but at the uninformed American public, neo-cons, US Congress and the US defense industry. The DoD needs a potential foes to keep it's funding robust. Those billions have to keep rolling in so the US DoD can have the latest and greatest. That's all. And it really is that simple!

PakTopGun sez;
The reverse can be said of US policy and its own arms buildup and its subsequent indiscriminate use throughout the world.

Actually the US is trimimg its forces in numbers of personnel and equipment...."indiscriminate use"...???...Do you mean deployments? The US has been deploying it's forces woldwide for over 100 years. And will continue to do so in the forseeable future.

Undead Yogurt

New Member
The purpose of this act by a senior diplomat is to "gently" remind the US that there are hard-liners in China who are far more jingoistic and unfrendly to the West than the current leadership of Hu and Wen. It is a hint to the US that it should not take the moderates for granted and should not strive to undermine the current Chinese leaderhip in sensitive matters.


Senior Member
bd popeye said:
In reality most of the comments made by DoD and Sec of "D" Rumsfield about the PLA are directed not at the PRC but at the uninformed American public, neo-cons, US Congress and the US defense industry. The DoD needs a potential foes to keep it's funding robust. Those billions have to keep rolling in so the US DoD can have the latest and greatest. That's all. And it really is that simple!

The way I see it, the true "China threat" proponents misconstrue China in both intent and capability. Their view of China is that it is a crazy country that is only capable of mass infantry attacks and has the intent to use those tactics against the US in a Taiwan scenario (for example). This is the famous "million man swim" scenario. This gives these people a reason to ask for funding for weapons that will be able to fight such a war with extremely low casualties for the US side.

But these China threats proponents are losing ground to people who have a much more nuanced view of China. This view holds that Chinese military technologies are already in the same league as advanced powers like Russia and the West.

I think the former view is more dangerous for world peace than the latter view. People who hold the former view have no qualms about going to war against China, since they think it will be a "smack down cakewalk". :nono: In fact, they may welcome it. Those are the real China threat proponents. On the other hand, people who hold the latter view are not so keen about going to war with China and will be willing to accept some give-and-take on important issues to maintain peace.

So in conclusion, people who see China as low capability / hostile intentions are the most dangerous to peace, while people who see China as high capability / rational intentions are more beneficial for world peace.

Deleted member 675

Undead Yogurt said:
The purpose of this act by a senior diplomat is to "gently" remind the US that there are hard-liners in China who are far more jingoistic and unfrendly to the West than the current leadership of Hu and Wen. It is a hint to the US that it should not take the moderates for granted and should not strive to undermine the current Chinese leaderhip in sensitive matters.

Umm, I would disagree. This was an outburst by someone who is obviously very passionate, but he was certainly not gentling reminding the US of anything. I think he was letting off steam.

It will have the opposite affect of what you suggest, because the US doesn't like being told what to do. I've seen China overplay its hand in the last year or two.

Like with the EU arms embargo. Beijing thought it had the EU in its pocket, so it passed the Anti-Secession Law. It was genuinely surprised when the EU reacted negatively and said it wouldn't any more. This recent interview demonstrates it didn't learn from that.

On a side note, I was informed that a Chinese TV show partly covered this. They interviewed some people, but conveniently "mis-translated" some points made.

Random foreigner: "I found it rather crude..."
Translation: "very satisfying" (很过瘾)

Sha (BBC transcript): "... for China, one inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people."
Translation: "...China's territory is supremely important to us."

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