If you know Chinese history during the civil war era, the army's long history of poor equipment and even the Red Army's list of heroes, you'd find there's almost none when comes to marksmen and snipers...there're a few in the Korean War but never as much (and in terms of equipment, face it, not everybody can be as good as that Finnish sniping legend, and Chinese doesn't have such a tradition of huntsmen and game hunting as in US or Europe).
China's first taste of "proper" sniper rifle was the SVD, to be exact is the local copy of it, Type 79, but as we know SVD would be classified as a marksman rifle in the West, and for a long time there's no specialist training into sniping within PLA or PAP until recent years...don't know if that has to do with the doctrine reform or the shell-shock from that pwnage they got in 1998, my money is the former, the latter gave them more focus and insight I believe.
Care to explain more on "the latter"? What is "that pwnage they got in 1998"?
Again, I have to empahsis, what has happening in Iraq and Afgainistain, I (and many others) called it "Police Operation", instead of military operation. That is a side-note you can see why PAP got the best snipers.
In a "choosen" battlefield of cold-war or neo-cold-war style, while battling opponents DO NOT lack the means of hammering each other, how much rooms do you guys think snipers have, before he (they) being hammerd effectivly? If there is a gap regarding snipering, for China, it is not a gap of "have or do not have" - it is the gap of "marksman vs sniper" - of which this gap is nothing, in the PLA choosen battlefield. Like I said, PLA do not plans for "police operations", PLA plans for the worst, that the enemy is equall or even better than itself.
@ airsuperiority at #72:
You can say the same thing to America / coalition forces, subsititude the word "artillery" into your ID.
In fact, how to take out a gun nest at the hill in Afghanistan effectively? The much beloved coalition snipers didn't actually risk themselves and did a better job than his buddy who "
calls in air strike".
PLA simply utilizes what he has in his hand. Beyond 300m target? Calls in platoon mortar! Within 300m, well that's most of time, the "much hated"(Vs. much beloved) marksman's (vs. snipers) job. (or RPGs, or assault GL teams, or General purpose machine gunners'...)