China Takes home World Sniper Cup. 2011


Tyrant King
Snipers have there role as do mortar Crews. The Two are tools too be integrated into a unit of actions. In Urban Warfare Snipers can be used for over watch and too offer over head of incoming forces, they can also be deployed in more traditional scout Roles mortars are just a sledge hammer too pound infantry into submission and supply illumination, Both are important tools, but Well Artillery remains the king of battle the bastard Child of the infantry can still render a Enemy unit of action combat Ineffective. the Fact that there are few members of the PLA at the competition could be related too there rotations.
If I am not guessing wrong, the whole team is simply PAP + PSB, in the eyes of "the leaders", this team is enough to cover the 军警狙击大赛 (both military and police).

In my personal opinion, hell yeah PLA prefers mortar than sniper, EVERYTIME!

PLA don't likes the "police operation" like what is in Iraq. PLA's doctrine is to engage elite enemy which most of time, even better than PLA itself. Not saying snipering is not important, but mortar simply "kills more efficiently", in the battlefield that PLA chooses.

china's obsessed with artillery, and indeed serving china well


Lieutenant General
I think you guys are putting far too much weight on the low PLA numbers. The PAP snipers will be asked to help write sniping text books that will be distributed to all the armed services that needs them, and in a year or two, the PLA will have a legion of similarly skilled snipers. Not all of them might be as gifted, but with the knowledge and tools the Chinese now have, there can be little doubt that it's forces can expect to have the support of world class snipers in the near future if they do not already do so.

In the meantime, if there was a pressing need, do you think the PLA will hesitate in using these PAP snipers?


Aren't grenade launchers more effective than mortars with their accuracy and portability? I always imagine that if the coalition forces are well armed extensively with grenade launchers in Afghanistan, the battle would have been fought more easily.


Junior Member
Aren't grenade launchers more effective than mortars with their accuracy and portability? I always imagine that if the coalition forces are well armed extensively with grenade launchers in Afghanistan, the battle would have been fought more easily.

grenade launchers don't have the same power that mortars do.

81mm mortar > 40mm grenade


Lieutenant General
GLs have less range, less power, lower ROF (excluding the few automatic grenade launcher designs), and lower combat endurance (ie, fewer rounds carried), and is direct fire, so you have to expose yourself to shoot it.

I am also spectacle about accuracy. Shoot it at anywhere close to the max effective range and you are guessing largely. If you are engaging something 100-150m away, mortars are probably more accurate if you have got a good map fix on it.

So no, I don't think grenade launchers comes close to being able to be a good substitute for mortars.

ALso, coalition forces are having a hard time in 'stan not because of a want of firepower, but because the Taliban has become very good at not giving them targets to use that firepower against.

The closest infantry weapon to mortars would probably be RPGs or rocket launchers.


If you know Chinese history during the civil war era, the army's long history of poor equipment and even the Red Army's list of heroes, you'd find there's almost none when comes to marksmen and snipers...there're a few in the Korean War but never as much (and in terms of equipment, face it, not everybody can be as good as that Finnish sniping legend, and Chinese doesn't have such a tradition of huntsmen and game hunting as in US or Europe).

China's first taste of "proper" sniper rifle was the SVD, to be exact is the local copy of it, Type 79, but as we know SVD would be classified as a marksman rifle in the West, and for a long time there's no specialist training into sniping within PLA or PAP until recent years...don't know if that has to do with the doctrine reform or the shell-shock from that pwnage they got in 2008, my money is the former, the latter gave them more focus and insight I believe.
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Junior Member
If you know Chinese history during the civil war era, the army's long history of poor equipment and even the Red Army's list of heroes, you'd find there's almost none when comes to marksmen and snipers...there're a few in the Korean War but never as much (and in terms of equipment, face it, not everybody can be as good as that Finnish sniping legend, and Chinese doesn't have such a tradition of huntsmen and game hunting as in US or Europe).

China's first taste of "proper" sniper rifle was the SVD, to be exact is the local copy of it, Type 79, but as we know SVD would be classified as a marksman rifle in the West, and for a long time there's no specialist training into sniping within PLA or PAP until recent years...don't know if that has to do with the doctrine reform or the shell-shock from that pwnage they got in 1998, my money is the former, the latter gave them more focus and insight I believe.

Care to explain more on "the latter"? What is "that pwnage they got in 1998"?

Again, I have to empahsis, what has happening in Iraq and Afgainistain, I (and many others) called it "Police Operation", instead of military operation. That is a side-note you can see why PAP got the best snipers.

In a "choosen" battlefield of cold-war or neo-cold-war style, while battling opponents DO NOT lack the means of hammering each other, how much rooms do you guys think snipers have, before he (they) being hammerd effectivly? If there is a gap regarding snipering, for China, it is not a gap of "have or do not have" - it is the gap of "marksman vs sniper" - of which this gap is nothing, in the PLA choosen battlefield. Like I said, PLA do not plans for "police operations", PLA plans for the worst, that the enemy is equall or even better than itself.

@ airsuperiority at #72:

You can say the same thing to America / coalition forces, subsititude the word "artillery" into your ID.

In fact, how to take out a gun nest at the hill in Afghanistan effectively? The much beloved coalition snipers didn't actually risk themselves and did a better job than his buddy who "calls in air strike".

PLA simply utilizes what he has in his hand. Beyond 300m target? Calls in platoon mortar! Within 300m, well that's most of time, the "much hated"(Vs. much beloved) marksman's (vs. snipers) job. (or RPGs, or assault GL teams, or General purpose machine gunners'...)
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Just Hatched
Registered Member

******g Chinese always cheat. They can suck it.

As a Chinese American, I can confirm there is definitely a culture of cheating. I was lucky that my parents taught me to not follow the bullshit, but it was not uncommon to see classmates and my mom's/dad's coworkers bribe authority figures to get their way. I've even been approached by the parents of kids I've tutored to take SATs/ACTs for their kid.
I don't immediately accept TRG's claims as 100% truthful, but I am certainly not surprised if they were.

You have to be careful what you said. So far only one participant came out with this story and I am sure if this was the case, the officials from US, Britain and Germany would have lodged an official complaint and invite all the Western Media to blow this up.

Americans are exceptionally vocal in reporting such cheating incident; especially if the cheating is from China !

On the other hand, Chinese shooters have performed exceptionally well since 1984 when they first participated in the Olympic game under the flag of PRC. And almost all their sharp shooters are from the People's Liberation Army.

For the record, they came in almost last when they first took part in 2007 Military & Police Sniper World Cup because they have no experience at all to the type of excercises for Sniper Competition and misunderstood instruction and was disqualified in some events.

They were 3rd in 2009 using foreign import Sniper guns. For the current World Cup, the Chinese are using China made Sniper guns and two of their Snipers are women !

In short, the Chinese achievement is not a Fluke.

If you guys read Chinese, please spare a moment to watch the thread in this forum how Chinese train their Snipers for this competition.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Generally, there are many prejudices against Chinese Achievement especially in the field of Military Science and Defence matters. The common denomination is to boo boo the quality and performance of the New Weapons and alleged they are either stolen Technology from US or copies from the Russian.

I recalled when China first tested her 1st Atom Bomb in OCt 1964, US defence anaylst quickly ridiculed China "it was a crude device with a low yield of 20,000 TNT" At that time, China was really backwards.

However, in July 1967 in less than 3 years, China detonated a Hydrogen Bomb with a yield of more than 1 Megaton. To date, no other countries have achieved such a feat within such a short time from "Atomic to Hydrogen Bomb"

Same goes with High Speed Train and High Speed Super Computer. Ten years ago, nobody knows.
Now they have the longest and most advance High Speed Train system in the World.

Similarly nobody is awared China have a Deep Sea Submersible vehicle that can cover 99% of the Ocean Floor and Seven of the World longest Bridges are built by Chinese in China.