The PRC can gain the critical and necessary experience of exercising their military off-shore in other more peaceful operations to begin with without sending their forces into combat so far removed from their own supply lines and ability to supply and maintain them
Flying an actual plane is an entirely different thing than practising in a simulator.
As per my understanding Popeye and Fishhead and I as well are not talking about waging a full fledge war against Eritrea or Insurregents, we just like Chinese troops to defend their posts / people their and that too with the consent of local govt. Acting more like a retaliatery force than an aggressor.
Getting glory by killing some African tribesman and igniting a wave of hatred against the Chinese in the whole region? Is that good business?
How can anybody blame you for defending yourself.
@ Red Mercury
If it were me I will definitely not hire any merc force to defend or guard my people, specially in Africa, because there always is a higher bidder.
Also It was a well thought-off attack and it maybe possible in Hollywood but a merc force can't be good enuff to hold off trained army.
The PRC can gain the critical and necessary experience of exercising their military off-shore in other more peaceful operations to begin with without sending their forces into combat so far removed from their own supply lines and ability to supply and maintain them
Flying an actual plane is an entirely different thing than practising in a simulator.
As per my understanding Popeye and Fishhead and I as well are not talking about waging a full fledge war against Eritrea or Insurregents, we just like Chinese troops to defend their posts / people their and that too with the consent of local govt. Acting more like a retaliatery force than an aggressor.
Getting glory by killing some African tribesman and igniting a wave of hatred against the Chinese in the whole region? Is that good business?
How can anybody blame you for defending yourself.
@ Red Mercury
If it were me I will definitely not hire any merc force to defend or guard my people, specially in Africa, because there always is a higher bidder.
Also It was a well thought-off attack and it maybe possible in Hollywood but a merc force can't be good enuff to hold off trained army.