China News Thread


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Director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts, Ministry of Education Wang Dengfeng getting arrested.
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China's education system has some very serious problems. The current undergoing math textbook illustrations case is just a tip of the iceberg. There is an entire generation called "河殇一代” who completely lost faith in chinese civilization and want to brainwash young people to hate being chinese and turn against the government. Those people are all over the places,in government, universities, high schools, entire education system. Remember Xinjiang toxic textbook went unnoticed for over a decade? That's how powerful these people are and just how much trouble toxic education can cause to a country.
And finally, finally CPC has started to realise how serious this problem is. After disastrous cultural revolution, Deng Xiaoping decided to give education community almost full autonomy to keep politics away from education. But it turns out that Mao got one thing right:"文化思想阵地我们不去占领,敌人就会占领(If we do not occupy the cultural and ideological positions, the enemy will occupy them)".
Expect to see a purge in education system after 20th party congress.


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2022-08-29 15:10:27Xinhua Editor : Mo Hong'e
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A total of 8,185 Chinese officials were punished in July for violating the country's eight-point code on improving Party and government conduct, China's top anti-graft body said in a statement on Sunday.
The officials were involved in 5,434 cases, and 5,626 of them were handed down disciplinary or administrative penalties, said the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission in a monthly report.
A total of 4,007 were sanctioned for engaging in bureaucratism or formalities for formalities' sake. Dereliction of duty in social and economic development and environmental protection was a prominent problem in this regard, according to the report.
A total of 4,178 officials were punished for hedonism and extravagant conduct, including giving or accepting gifts and awarding unauthorized allowances or bonuses.
In late 2012, the CPC released its eight-point rules on frugality to combat undesirable work practices.


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Uygur genocide propaganda is now going to go up a notch after Argentinian Michelle Bachelet's OHCHR said reports of torture are "credible".

In reality, there has been no new evidence reported or seen other than believing the same bullshit testimony from lying separatists.

Even a college essay requires higher standards of evidence. I don't know how much she got paid by the CIA for this ridiculous report.

This comes after the Japanese UN rapporteur on slavery Tomoya Obokata claimed that slavery was happening in Xinjiang, again, based on zero actual evidence.

Working with the UN on good faith is clearly not working. The UN is clearly infiltrated by western propagandists operating in bad faith.

China needs a new strategy. Perhaps the same Navalny strategy russia has been using for decades.


Junior Member
Uygur genocide propaganda is now going to go up a notch after Argentinian Michelle Bachelet's OHCHR said reports of torture are "credible".

In reality, there has been no new evidence reported or seen other than believing the same bullshit testimony from lying separatists.

Even a college essay requires higher standards of evidence. I don't know how much she got paid by the CIA for this ridiculous report.

This comes after the Japanese UN rapporteur on slavery Tomoya Obokata claimed that slavery was happening in Xinjiang, again, based on zero actual evidence.

Working with the UN on good faith is clearly not working. The UN is clearly infiltrated by western propagandists operating in bad faith.

China needs a new strategy. Perhaps the same Navalny strategy russia has been using for decades.
I would say the UN report is actually a win for China. Skimming over the report, it confirms what reasonable people expected from the mass detainment and vocational centers: the cops running the anti-extremism campaign went extremely overboard on arrests and crackdowns and prisoners were abused but that they're neither death nor slave labor camps and that the demographic data zenz crows about is from family planning services being pushed and the limits on children being enforced whereas they weren't really before. Most of all, no evidence of any sort of genocide.

The ET terrorists are already frothing at the mouth denouncing the report and the exiting head.


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The ET terrorists are already frothing at the mouth denouncing the report and the exiting head.
Where did you see them denounce the report? I thought they welcomed it.

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Take it with a grain of salt since it's the BBC but they wrote the Uyghur world Conference welcomed the report, which is not good for china. But I personally didn't read the report so I expect the BBC to only choose what they want to show


Junior Member
Where did you see them denounce the report? I thought they welcomed it.

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Take it with a grain of salt since it's the BBC but they wrote the Uyghur world Conference welcomed the report, which is not good for china. But I personally didn't read the report so I expect the BBC to only choose what they want to show
Here you go, just a few examples.
