Kid's a loser looking for his 15 minutes. Keep it up and he will wind up like that freak Amos Yee from Singapore.I dont know how old Wang Jingyu because he seems like a young man to me and what led to his supposed trouble in China is the Americanization of his world outlook and politics. Which is what made him express his comments about the India-China border spat that turned deadly.
He being of Chinese origin and citizen must have known about the existing laws prohibiting anyone from making or inferring comments that can be seen and interpreted as damaging to the military uniformed personnel. Instead, he flapped his gums by making political interpretations from the tragic even and some said made insulting remarks against the Chinese soldiers that died. I hope Wang Jingyu is not one of these another spoiled useless China bashing Chinese all because he assumes that he's better than the rest of his contemporaries simply based on a fact that he has been to America and is a green card holder.
A lot of these kids' issues has to do with lack of success with the opposite sex, and less to do with freedom of speech of ideals.
Some time in a room alone to assess his future could do him some good. Also, stop spending money on shit clothes, and get on AAS regiment for a few months and a makeover would solve most of his problems. But stay away from cocaine, or whatever did Zyzz in.