For the life of me, I don't understand why brain-dead Europeans like yourself don't stick to giving your advice and following that unsolicited advice to your shitty continent- considering the current economic and societal conditions your countries are dealing with.By the way, it's here: "" . Here's my take. It's an enormous construction site and requires billions of dollars. So, these billions of dollars could have gone to more productive parts of economy, instead of building this unnecessary military headquarter. Is this gargantuan headquarter so vital? I don't think so. They should have diverted recourses to AI, quantum computing, chip production and satellite launch technology in which the Chinese fall behind the west. Alternatively , these funds could have helped to boost birthday at the least. I have got an impression that Ms Xi is obsessed with the Taiwan reunification, and he wants to achieve that by any means, including by sacrificing half of china 's GDP. Truly a sad story for everyone, except maybe Americans.
You lot have an inherent disease/habit of inserting your unprofound ideas onto a country that has outgrown, outperformed, outcompeted, out-innovated your continent in all important areas of importance be it the ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE, SCIENTIFIC, AND MILITARY.
The fact that your continent could and will not beat the Ruskies in Ukraine despite getting major help from your actual benefactor and master, the U.S. is damning of your continent's and countries massive incompetence. Let US CHINESE DECIDE WHAT'S BEST FOR OUR TERRITORY (TAIWAN) and manage your own shit before trying to hector or lecture us with your moronic takes.