By the way, it's here: "
" . Here's my take. It's an enormous construction site and requires billions of dollars. So, these billions of dollars could have gone to more productive parts of economy, instead of building this unnecessary military headquarter. Is this gargantuan headquarter so vital? I don't think so. They should have diverted recourses to AI, quantum computing, chip production and satellite launch technology in which the Chinese fall behind the west.
So why doesn't the west divert money away from NGAD into AI, quantum computing, chip production and satellite launch tech, since they (besides US in satellite launch) are falling behind China in all these sectors?
Why are they spending billions trying to develop things for Ukraine?
Alternatively , these funds could have helped to boost birthday at the least. I have got an impression that Ms Xi is obsessed with the Taiwan reunification,
Because Mr Trump is obsessed with territorial aggression against China? China has the right and indeed must defend itself.
and he wants to achieve that by any means, including by sacrificing half of china 's GDP.
When it comes to defending Chinese homes, nobody minds giving up however much gdp, and you can count that if China needs to give up 50% gdp to military, the wannabe invaders will lose 95% of their gdp to bombs and airstrikes.
Truly a sad story for everyone, except maybe Americans.
You're just coping, increased militarization is good for peace in Asia and good for the world. It's a sad story only for chronic aggressors like US.
Massive command and control facilties help ensure that American (or other aggressor state) aggression can be denied, defeated and destroyed, no matter where it takes place. This is a win win for the world, China, and indeed even for Americans, who are yearning for a government that doesn't waste all their prosperity on aggression.
China has trillions to spend, billions is nothing.