China News Thread


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What. The. Fuck.
With a person so severely mentally ill, they may be feeling genuinely suicidal while also having "liked" extreme incel/aberrant content online in the past.

Ultimately the courts determine the exact circumstances. Likely if they found that she has a history of severe mental illness and many suicide attempts, it suggests that it was an accident and not murder.


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There is a reason why they call it cattle class. It is really annoying having multiple children crying all the time on a multiple hours flight. But that is too much.


I mean, I understand the feeling, but I would have a problem if anyone did this to my kids:

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There is a reason why they call it cattle class. It is really annoying having multiple children crying all the time on a multiple hours flight. But that is too much.
I have no qualms about what they did to the child whatsoever. They're heros. I never spoil my kids... from any age. While my wife and her parents try to calm and soothe any crying, I always check to make sure the needs are met (fed, diaper changed) and I don't do anything else for the crying. I'll put them in a crib in an empty room and let them cry to exhaustion. It works and it works much much faster than trying to soothe them because that teaches them that screaming gets attention. This teaches them that screaming gets nothing. I'd happily lock my kids in an airplane bathroom if they misbehave but snowflake society these days would see that as too tough. The best students, the ones who top their classes and overachieve at everything they do were strictly disciplined as children; they are the ones who would shut up and turn into robots the second they got so much as a nasty glare from their tiger parents.

Anyway, see clear results of tough parenting below:
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"The toddler, who was travelling with her grandparents, had reportedly been crying non-stop during the flight and people onboard said that she was so loud, some passengers had put tissues in their ears to block out the noise and moved to the back of the aircraft.

Passengers complained that the little girl's grandparents seemed to have no idea how to stop her crying and attempts to distract her with a mobile phone proved unsuccessful.

Once in the toilet, the girl continued to cry and scream for her grandmother but she eventually stopped after the women told her that she could only see her grandmother once she stopped crying.

The little girl was also told that only when she was silent for three minutes, would she be allowed out of the toilet.

The girl was reportedly silent for the remaining two hours of the flight."
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional

Children and parents killed as bus hits crowd in China​

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AT LEAST 11 people are dead including five children and six parents after a school bus ploughed into a crowd in China.

Dozens more were injured when the driver "lost control" and crashed into a group of parents and pupils standing outside a school in Tai'an city, state media reports.

The driver was taken into custody and a police investigation has been launched

Out of the 24 hurt, one remains in critical condition.

The driver was taken into custody and a police investigation has been launched.

They were reportedly on the way to the school to collect a group of students when tragedy struck, Shanghai-based Sina News reports.

Twelve other people from the scene are now in stable condition.

It comes only days after pupils went back to school for the beginning of a new academic year.

Horrific footage shared on social media - which The Sun has chosen not to publish - showed the scene of the accident.

Parents trying to help their injured children were visibly distraught after the smash.

One image posted to X showed the front of the wrecked bus rammed up against a tree.

My condolences to the families of those lost.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
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Liu Zhen
Published: 8:51pm, 3 Sep 2024
A police officer was killed and two others were wounded in a rare gun crime in northeastern China on Monday afternoon.

Police authorities in Changchun, Jilin province, said the killer, a 45-year-old man identified only by his surname Li, was also shot dead in violence that erupted at a property management office.

Police were called to the scene after Li entered the office armed with a knife and began threatening others.

As the officers tried to subdue the man, Li stabbed one of the officers and took his gun.

He then stabbed another officer before opening fire and wounding another policeman as reinforcements arrived, according to the police report.

Li was then shot dead.

The first officer with stab wounds died later in hospital, while the other two had non-life-threatening injuries. No civilian casualties were reported, the statement said.

The Changchun police force did not offer a motive for the suspect or further details about him. There were also no more details about the slain policeman.

The report said the investigation was ongoing.

Witness photos and videos circulated online showed armed riot police and vehicles in the neighbourhood where the event took place. Some sources showed at least three police snipers in position.

The attack comes just weeks after a woman judge from the central province of Henan was stabbed to death by a man who was unhappy with her ruling.

However, gun incidents are rare. The last widely reported event was in May last year in eastern Jiangsu province, where two suspects were found shot dead a few days after being put on a police wanted notice.