Understandably, it is propaganda from the US media. However, most of his points have been reported and repeated throughout all major MSM. Maybe, it has no bearing on what Chinese government going to do. These articles do shape the US politics and policies and what tools they are going to employ to contain China.
They are just pretending they are doing something.
It has to be real.
That is Marxist-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought. That is ideology.
It has to be real. It is the material dialect. Thesis, anti-thesis, resolution.
China has a fast growing economy, biggest trading nation, biggest manufacuturer, ect ...
That is real. That is thesis. What is the anti-thesis? A coalition.
Fine, there is a coalition. We make that assumption. What exactly is this coalition gonna do?
There is no anti-thesis put forth by anyone as of today.
In fact, can we even think of one that can work?
Right now, one side is going to win and hammer the other side, because in the material dialectic, the other side of the argument must present its case.
So far, no such presentation has been attempted, other than a dubious claim of western unity.
The CCP cannot take that seriously, and they fully expect to crush these American lead efforts at containment. Full stop!