Wow, you really need me to spell it out for you, huh? They fear competition from you China, the only country that can overturn white supremacy of the world, so they hate China.
this shows a simplistic and obtuse understanding of the attitudes of Europe and the US. As if there are no differences between Europe and America that we cannot leverage.
Yeah, because they sent them to a hyper-liberal college (which is every college that's not stupid in America), duh. They are surrounded by hyper-liberals. Are massive numbers of Americans being sent to China to be immersed in its culture and people? If that's the case, then I'd say China can go for it. What an idiotic comparison.
You said conversion is impossible and I gave a counter example. Come on, there are plenty of solutions if only time and money were spent on them.
You mean the 2 dogs that the US put a leash on? How about the US can't get on Cuba/Venezuela's good side? Those are pretty close neighbors to the US as for as I know.
The US controls the rest of South America as a result of its active measures. Pretty strong proof of concept.
But that's not what this conversation is about, so how about you stick to the topic instead of inventing an argument for you to try to win?
This is the credit of the CCP:
See, now you are doing it again. Diplomatic failure is self evident in how quickly Chinese tech is being expunged from Western aligned countries. Its China's loss.
Nobody cares if a bunch of African microstates support China, what matters are a handful of big players. Focus on the high value targets.
Also, I would love to see the same graph for 2020, after the US propaganda campaign kicked into overdrive? After corona?