Saw it on "THE" PePe Escobar's official FB page. What do you guys think of it?
Washington’s current China policy was made clear by Mike Pompeo last week, when under the cover of a tilt to defending democracy, he spelt out the goal of the.
Pompeo’s comments were steeped in the attitude of American exceptionalism, where the United States should have the sole right to arbitrate the future of any any, and be freed from accountability. The United States is now claiming the right to determine how China and by whom China will be government.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers anti China speech 0n 23 July
Video from
The point is that this is really a matter for the Chinese people and no one else’s business. Whether one likes a particular political system or not is beside the point. The real issue is respect for the right of peoples to make their own choices over the future of their nation, free from foreign interference.
Good article and I quote
China will not succumb to this plan. This is a nation with the capacity to fight back. If the push persists, China will find good reason to work out alternative trade arrangements with other nations. This is already beginning.
That the Australian government chooses to be cheer leader for American exceptionalism and dominance should be of grave concern. It does not only signal support for this on a global scale. This exceptionalism and dominance applies to Australia as well.
lols Tom Clancy plot generators were pretty common back then as his books were pure american fantasy trash.This article explains the psychology behind America's new cold war, and why it won't be like the last one. TL: DR it is an obviously racial conflict.
China seems surprised by America's sudden descent into irrationality, perhaps this will help them understand it.