China ICBM/SLBM, nuclear arms thread


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Windmills construction about to speed up

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China’s third plenum shows it is ‘not in the mood’ to slow down on nuclear arms​

  • Analysts expect speedy boost to ‘quality and quantity’ of China’s nuclear arsenal, as Russian stand shows power of ‘strategic deterrence’
During the party’s
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last week, the Central Committee pledged to “speed up the development of strategic deterrence forces”, according to a detailed document of the committee’s decisions released on Sunday. The expression is generally taken to refer to nuclear prowess.
In order to develop a “new framework of [military] services and arms”, China would accelerate its “strategic deterrence forces, develop new-domain forces with new combat capabilities, while … [strengthening] traditional combat forces”, the document said.


The very definition of a pyrrhic victory which is utterly meaningless and worthless. The Chinese are not interested in such empty symbolic victory at the cost of literally everything.

As such, I think the extent of Chinese nuclear expansion is aimed to achieve nuclear parity or even a slight advantage, to firmly erase all possible delusions the Americans might hold about somehow being able ‘win’ a nuclear war against China to prevent one from ever happening.

But there is no real value in seeking to have a dominating nuclear advantage because once a certain minimum threshold is passed, more nukes is just meaningless overkill and a waste of resources.

This is also why I think China will continue to build big megaton yield city busters instead of going heavily into low yield tactical stuff, expect where miniaturisation demands it for MIRV purposes and/or for mounting on hypersonics.

The Americans wants arms control to prevent China from achieving nuclear parity because they desperately want to cling onto their delusional wet dream of ‘winning’ nuclear war against China and will bankrupt themselves trying to maintain their current nuclear ratio against Chinese nuclear expansion. But that’s very much America’s problem that China should give zero fucks about.

Thanks @plawolf .... I am still puzzled of how China could make thousands nukes, how China got enough the WgPu ? Do you think China has enough WgPu for let's say 3,000 warheads, which I think that number China need to have minimum


Registered Member
Thanks @plawolf .... I am still puzzled of how China could make thousands nukes, how China got enough the WgPu ? Do you think China has enough WgPu for let's say 3,000 warheads, which I think that number China need to have minimum
If you don't need MIRV capability you can use pure U warheads and China has a duck ton of SWUs for enrichment.


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If you don't need MIRV capability you can use pure U warheads and China has a duck ton of SWUs for enrichment.
Is pure U meaningful? How many kilotons would a single warhead on a heavy ICBM be? I think it is much better to buy Plutonium from Russia by paying a lot of money. It would also strengthen Russia economically which will tie down more US capital.


Registered Member
Is pure U meaningful? How many kilotons would a single warhead on a heavy ICBM be? I think it is much better to buy Plutonium from Russia by paying a lot of money. It would also strengthen Russia economically which will tie down more US capital.
1967 test was pure U, air deliverable, 3.3 MT.

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Where does it write that it is pure Uranium? I can't see it.
"The bomb was a three-stage device with a boosted
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primary and
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pusher. The
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was 3.3
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." It's the last sentence of paragraph 1, under the "Development" section.

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