China Flanker thread

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VIP Professional
J-11B. Looks like a TV capture.

The PLAAF have been taking steps to integrate Russian and Chinese munitions together into the HMS. And have done so effectively but it is only available in limited numbers currently. On the topic any news on the SD-10/PL-12??

Planes that are J-7G and J-8F have HMS. J-10 is supposed to have HMS though, but currently it appears to have been temporarily pulled out. Probably waiting for a new package.


  • J-11B_tvimage.jpg
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Lieutenant General
So because the whole show with the Su-35 at Maks 2007, they say China is one of the countries that it's going to be marketed to. With China well on its way with it own aircraft programs, is this a possibility?


VIP Professional
I suppose it's possible to integrate PL-8/Python-3 with Russian HMS system, if you're willing to invest in the modification and system integration hardware/software.

The PLAAF has already done this, and its currently in operation with the J-7G and the J-8F. It was deferred on the J-10 however, but some of the latest pics on J-10 pilots show they're now changing and using the same helmet with the HMS attachment as the J-11, J-7G and J-8F pilots.

So because the whole show with the Su-35 at Maks 2007, they say China is one of the countries that it's going to be marketed to. With China well on its way with it own aircraft programs, is this a possibility?

Not a chance really. If you come down and think about it, bluntly, frankly, brutally, it isn't going to happen. Frankly China can't buy off the shelf now, and whatever it has to buy, has to work with its indigenous missiles, communications and datalink infrastructures.
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Junior Member
Flankers Lost to Crashes

For anyone who hasn't seen it, the latest issue of Aviation Week (10 Sept 2007) has a short, news item reporting that out of 46 Su-27 fighters purchased during the early 1990s, 15 have been lost in crashes. The article sites poor pilot training as a leading problem, with each pilot reportedly receiving no more than 10 flight hours of training each month.

Wonder where (who) they're getting their information from.


Banned Idiot
IMHO, it is my view that the fall of Communism and the resulting economic collapse of Russia has had a serious effect on creativeness of Russian engineers. They just keep recycling the same basic airframe over and over again.
the problem due to lack of fund.


VIP Professional
Re: Flankers Lost to Crashes

For anyone who hasn't seen it, the latest issue of Aviation Week (10 Sept 2007) has a short, news item reporting that out of 46 Su-27 fighters purchased during the early 1990s, 15 have been lost in crashes. The article sites poor pilot training as a leading problem, with each pilot reportedly receiving no more than 10 flight hours of training each month.

Wonder where (who) they're getting their information from.

Its an old and familiar story, made up in Taiwan in order to make themselves feel better from their own crashes. While there is no doubt there has been losses, the problem of pilot training was probably more acute early in the Flanker's service career, and this is not entirely all the PLAAF's fault. There was also numerous maintenance, quality and service issues, especially with engine defects.

10 hours of training each months amounts to 120 hours, which is fairly decent, since the Russians and Eastern Europeans were only doing a fraction of that. Another problem is that there are more pilots than planes, so in truth, the planes were averaging 200 hours of flight each year. Unlike the USAF, planes are not assigned to a pilot per se with personalized plates and so on; the plane is only assigned from an available pool of planes to a pilot at the start of the mission. Thus you may be flying 01 in one day, 07 in the next.

One of the main problems in tracking crashes is that people may attribute a crash that is done by a J-7 or J-8 to an Su-27, as people tend to think of the worst when something happens. Thus some plane crashes are questionable. I remember one time there was this wing or fin of a PLAAF flighter with emblem that are being claimed to be part of an Su-27 wing. Looking at the surfaces closely, the wing appears to be more of a part of a J-7's wing.

We know about 5 aircraft was damaged by a typhoon, 3 may have been completely scrapped off. And yet despite all this, the Flanker regiments appear to be in full strength, and pictures of the 2nd and the 19th, which has the old Su-27s, show that a lot of the older planes are still there and flying. There has been a number of J-11 substitutions, so a few may have attrited, but we should assume that attrition is always going to be part of the picture.


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this is kind of interesting
MOSCOW. Sept 13 (Interfax-AVN) - Moscow engine manufacturer Salut
is planning to supply to China an AL-31FM1 aircraft engine upgrade for
its fleet of SU aircrafts, General Director of Salut Yury Yeliseyev
"The preliminary talks have confirmed the Chinese Air Forces'
interest in this engine, including its use for SU ship-based aircraft,"
Yeliseyev was quoted as saying in a Salut press statement on Thursday.
The AL-31FM1 engine has 13,500 tonnes of thrust and a version with
an increased service life has been put into service by the Russian Air
I was under the impression that Shengyang Liming and Salyut signed a contract to produce AL-31FM1 in China already, but maybe I'm wrong.


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another propoganda piece from HKB

 来源: 中国航空报 


中国航空报9月14日报道 在距离年底不足150天的关键时刻,一航沈飞召开了“双创双高”攻坚决战动员大会,动员全体干部员工进一步认清公司科研生产形势任务,统一思想,振奋精神,全力以赴投身到军民机科研生产攻坚决战中,确保全年生产任务按时完成。
今年是一航沈飞军民机科研生产转型之年,主导产品更新转型,大量新技术、新材料运用到新产品上,给生产组织带来很大难度。同时,今年又是一航沈飞“爬坡” 之年,各型号飞机生产任务高度交叉,军民机科研生产面临前所未有的压力,既要完成新机研制任务又要形成稳定的批生产能力。

(本文来源:中国航空报 作者:戚敏)
just talking about J-11B under high production rate. I'm actually not seeing exactly how much that is, so I can only conclude by saying more of your usual propoganda.


Banned Idiot
kanwa mention of a J-11H is possible that the H variant may be F-15E type ground attack capability.
few years ago, Kanwa reported that china has access to SU-35 aircraft,and wind tunnel model published by kanwa, show side by side cockpit.


New Member
Some "insiders" in China military forums are saying J-15 is actually the code for Flanker in PLAN, and the Su-33 imported is only for comparison, some even say the protype is going to have test flying this year.
Don't know how many versions of Flanker are under development.
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