Not sure why it’d be 10x pl-15 and not 8, pretty sure the outer underwing pylons are supposed to hold short range AAMs and not BVRAAMs. Sino flankers may be different than Russian ones in this regard but I don’t think we’ve ever seen them hanging PL-12/15 there
You missed the two missiles under the intakes.
So for PLA flankers as well, the total BVRAAM pylons are 6 under wings, 2 under fuselage/intake tunnel, 2 under intakes (one under each intake). Then WVRAAMs in this loadout has 2 short range missiles on each of the cropped wings. Like below from Su-35. And yes, J-16 and Chinese flankers, can take BVR missiles in those pylons specifically designed to take those missiles. Whether it's worth the weight and range penalty is another matter. But "Beast" mode aka cannot move faster than a school bus mode of F-15EX and F-35 can pack nearly 2 times as many BVRAAMs on pretty much the same thrust to weight and similar lift and drag (in fact the Flanker ought to be better in lift and drag than the F-15EX). The flanker can carry more if it wanted to and had pylons designed for triple and double racking but it doesn't and it honestly shouldn't. That would be a lot of missiles wasted on an aircraft that can barely fly anywhere and can't turn... once it gets attacked it'll be shot out of the sky taking all those extra missiles with it. Ahem F-15EX and F-35 "beast" (lol) modes aka advertise the shit out of it mode.

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