China Flanker Thread III (land based, exclude J-15)


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I know, but that makes it even more strange since there are now active Fighter Regiments in service anymore
Ohhh, I thought of it, “东方某团” may be the 804th Brigade of the Air Force Air Corps, which was formerly known as the 10th Regiment of the 4th Division of the Naval Air Force, and which had been awarded the honorary title of “海空雄鹰团” in 1965. Because of the fame of the “海空雄鹰团”, it was called the “东方某团”.
No sure about that.


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This guy claims J-16 production is decently higher than some other estimates, could possibly explain the 18xx the other day if true?

I don't want to offend him, but he is claiming a lot and much of his claims are too often just too positive & exaggerated!

Such a high number does not fit to the number of operational units.

By the way, again an unnamed J-16 brigade even more so since I don't remember a J-16 unit operating from an air base featuring HAS and also I don't know the unit badge!

Edit via @foolsball: "26th AB, Huizhou Pingtan"

(Images via @太湖军I名 from Weibo)

J-16 brigade unknown - 太湖军I名 - 1.jpgJ-16 brigade unknown - 太湖军I名 - 2.jpgJ-16 brigade unknown - 太湖军I名 - 3.jpgJ-16 brigade unknown - 太湖军I名 - 4.jpg
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