China Flanker Thread III (land based, exclude J-15)


Interesting, is it known why it's so low? As it's basically the only model (besides J-15) SAC is producing right now, well below half of CAC's rates seems a bit lackluster.
Peace time production rates are always low. Moreover, J16's production batch 11th plane was sighted in November 2022, so by May 2024 possibly at least another 2 to 3 batches would have been built. Which mean they probably are having around 300 to 350 J16 in service by now.

J16D should take priority over standard J16 in current production runs.


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Peace time production rates are always low. Moreover, J16's production batch 11th plane was sighted in November 2022, so by May 2024 possibly at least another 2 to 3 batches would have been built. Which mean they probably are having around 300 to 350 J16 in service by now.

J16D should take priority over standard J16 in current production runs.

In fact we are already within Batch 12


A simulator showing what is likely J-16's cockpit (rear seat).



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Latest estimate of fighter regiments and orbat of the PLAAF number around 2200 jet fighter with 50% modern fighter like J10, J11, Su27, Su 30MKK etc via Icloo
translated Only 400 J7 left. they are making progress on fleet modernization It was not too long ago that PLAAF look like antiquated Air Force
By now it should be equal or larger than combine first tier fighter of Taiwan+ Japan +Korea say 350+350+450
But US Pacom is the elephant in the room

Total fighter Jets The total number of fighters: 2134

Modern fighter Jets The total number of advanced fighter: 1173 (SU-30MKK+SU-30MK2+SU-35SK+J-11B/BS+J-11BH/BSH+J-15+J-16+J-20+J-10 Series

Fighter Jets estimation done by eagle CJDBY on 2019-8-13, cut off date at 2019 July. Poster put on caveat : No Guarantee on accuracy as data came from unofficial sources.

Celebrate the August 1st Army Day, today is a rabbit Statistics on fighter power, statistics include the Rabbit Air Force and Naval Air Force. All data comes from roadside agencies and does not guarantee authenticity and accuracy. The time is up to July 2019.

SU Series : 161
Sukhoi Series: 161

SU-27SK/UBK: 40 (Air Force Sniper Aviation 4th, 16, 41, 55 Brigade)

SU-30MKK: 73 (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 3, Air Force Sniper Aviation 6th, 54th, 85th, and 99th brigade)

SU-30MK2: 24 (

Qinghai Air Strike Air Force 4th Brigade) SU-35SK: 24 (Air Force Sniper Air Force 6th Brigade)

J11/15/16 series: 597
J-11 /15/16 Series: 597

J-11A: 105 (Air Force Test Flight, Air Force Sniper Aviation 4th, 16, 41, 55 Brigade)

J-11B/BS: 220 (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 2, Air Force Dingxin Base Weapons Test Mission, Air Force Dingxin Base Blue Army Brigade, Air Force Sniper Aviation 1st, 19th, 89th, 95th, 111th Brigade)

J-11BH/BSH: 72 (Navy Aviation University, Haihang Sniper Aviation 8th Brigade)

J15 : 40
J-15: 40 (a group of Hainan Xingcheng carrier aircraft base)

J16: 160
J-16: 160 (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 3rd Regiment, Air Force Dingxin Base Evaluation and Test Center, Air Force Dingxin Base Blue Army Brigade, Air Force Sniper Aviation 3rd, 7th, 40th, 83rd, 98th Brigade)

J20: 30
J-20 series: 30

J-20: 30 (Air Force Zhangzhou Base Flight Training 3rd Group, Air Force Dingxin Base Evaluation and Test Center, Air Force Sniper Aviation 9th Brigade)

J10 series : 530
J-10 Series: 530

J-10A : 192 (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 1st Regiment, Air Force Ding New Base Blue Army Brigade, Air Force Sniper Aviation Brigade 8, 26, 34, 43, 70, 124, 130 Brigade)

J-10AH: 16 (Haihang Sniper Aviation 4th Brigade )

J-10AY: 8 carrier (Air Force flight demonstration team Bayi)

J-10B: 58 stand (Cangzhou Air Force base to fly a training mission, the Air Force fighter aviation brigade first 5,56,61)

J. 10C-: 120 carrier (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 1st Regiment, Air Force Dingxin Base Evaluation and Test Center, Air Force Dingxin Base Blue Army Brigade, Air Force Sniper Aviation 2nd, 5th, 72nd, and 131st Brigade)

J-10S: 124 (Air Force Cangzhou Base Flight Training 1st Regiment, Air Force Dingxin Base) Evaluation Test Center, Air Force Dingxin Base Blue Army Brigade, Air Force Sniper Air Force 2nd, 5th, 8th, 26th, 34th, 43rd, 56th, 61st, 70th, 72nd, 124th, 130th, and 131th Brigade)

J-10SH: 8 (Haihang sniper Air

Force 4th Brigade) J-10SY: 4 (Air Force Bayi Air Show Team)

J8 series : 132
J-8 Series: 132

J-8F/DF/HF: 96 (Air Force Sniper Aviation 78th, 109th Brigade, Sea Air Sniper Air Force 5th Brigade)

J-8FR: 36 (Air Force Reconnaissance Aviation Forces 46th, 93rd Regiment)

J7 series: 396
J-7 Series: 396

J-7G: 72 (Air Force Sniper Aviation, 34th, 44th, 52nd Brigade)

J-7L: 72 (Air Force Sniper Aviation, 21st, 53nd Brigade)

J-7E: 144 (Air Force Sniper Aviation, 25th, 88th, 97th, and 132nd Brigade)

J-7H: 108 (Air Force Sniper Aviation, 18th, 63rd , 125 Brigade)

JH7 series : 288
Flying Leopard Series: 288

JH-7: 32 (PLAN Aviation 6th regiment)
JH-7: 32 (Haihang sniper bombing aviation 6th brigade)

JH-7A : 256 (PLAAF Dinxing Weapon Testing Brigade, PLAAF Dinxing OPFOR Blue Force, PLAAF brigades 15, 31, 83, 110, 126th, PLAN Aviation University, PLAN 2nd training brigade, PLAN Aviation 5th regiment, PLAN Aviation 9th regiment)
JH-7A: 256 (Air Force Dingxin base weapons The test regiment, the Air Force Dingxin Base Blue Army Brigade, the Air Force Sniper Bombing Aviation, the 15th, 31st, 83rd, 110th, and 126th Brigade, the Naval Air University, the HNA Training Base 2nd Brigade, the Haihang Sniper Aviation 5th Brigade, and the Hainan Air Strike Bombing Air Force 9th Brigade)

total fighter Jets The total number of fighters: 2134

Modern fighter Jets The total number of advanced fighter: 1173Rack (SU-30MKK+SU-30MK2+SU-35SK+J-11B/BS+J-11BH/BSH+J-15+J-16+J-20+J-10 Series

I was looking at these PLA fighter numbers from 2019. Its 2024 now, With J-16 and J-15 numbers much higher. If we assume none of the flankers have been retired then PLA now has,

SU Series : 161

J-11A: 105

J-11B/BS: 220

J-11BH/BSH: 72

These are the old count, the new count for the flankers in production

J15 : 75

J16: 350

Total = 983

So, China now has almost 1000 flankers. Not even US has that many large fighters. Most of their air force is F-16 and F-18.