Yes for sure ... first You have to differ between numbers for Divisions/Regiments and for Brigades.
Divisions can be identified by the first and fourth digit of the five-digit serial minus 11 and so You get the Division's number:
For example Su-30MKK 20694:
29 - 11 = 18 ... so this is from the 18th Division
For the Regiments usually the second, thirst and fifth digit are important since the first Regiment within a Division has numbers within the range of 001-050, the second one 051-099 and the third one has 101-150. So this Su-30MKK with 064 is from the second Regiment within the 18th Division, which is the 53rd.
View attachment 41524
Brigades usually have higher numbers and can be identified by the first, second and fourth digit of their five-digit serial minus 611 and so You get the Brigades' number, which is usually the former Regiment's number:
For example Su-30MKK 78033:
783 - 611 = 172 ... so this is from the 172nd Brigade
View attachment 41525
Hope this helped a bit.