China Flanker Thread II

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New Member
Re: Advances in Chinese aircraft fire control

merging with flanker thread since this is pretty significant. Because it basically implied that the imported flankers have now received upgrade to domestic avionics to fire Chinese AAMs.

And just as important, it talks about long range take-over guidance (by third party) to attack targets. Those are things we thought China should have, but this confirms i.t

The translation summary states the ability to fire precision guided weapons; it doesn't explicitly say AAMs. Can someone confirm the translation? Is it indeed just precision guided weapons (could be AGMs or AAMs or both), or does it explicitly state AAMs?


New Member
Actually in the second paragraph of the original Chinese report it was explicitly mentioned "air-air" for that brand new fire control system.

为了首次实现指挥引导功能,朱荣刚多次赴空军某部进行指挥引导分析验证 试验,完成了火控指挥引导模型的建立及验证,确保了远距离指挥引导和空空数传能力的成功实现以及实弹靶试的 成功。该项目荣获了国防科技进步二等奖,他本人也荣立了集团公司一等功。


Actually in the second paragraph of the original Chinese report it was explicitly mentioned "air-air" for that brand new fire control system.

为了首次实现指挥引导功能,朱荣刚多次赴空军某部进行指挥引导分析验证 试验,完成了火控指挥引导模型的建立及验证,确保了远距离指挥引导和空空数传能力的成功实现以及实弹靶试的 成功。该项目荣获了国防科技进步二等奖,他本人也荣立了集团公司一等功。

Did it mention ... how more advanced "the brand new fire control system" compared to the old one and the Russian ones ?


New Member
Did it mention ... how more advanced "the brand new fire control system" compared to the old one and the Russian ones ?
It did not compare so directly. However, based on some Chinese traditions, the quoted features of this brand new fire control system, such as long range data link, third part take-over guidance, should be the improvements over the Russian ones avaialbe to Chineses, or it would not make sense to mention them here.


Banned Idiot


送交者: zippers 2010年04月03日22:11:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

“在国家某重点型号工程中,火控系统作为其主体控制系统,控制逻辑复杂,交联设备众多,信息量异常庞大。不仅 如此,给项目组带来更大困难的是,没有最基本的设计资料、软件开发工具,就连完备的指令系统都没有。面对坚 巨的任务和不利的环境,朱荣刚和课题组迎难而上,苦干加巧干,在较短的时间里完成了对原机系统的总体、功能 、硬件及软件等方面的分析。在攻关过程中,为了搞明白某些疑点,他经常赴外场进行测试试验,牺牲了几乎全部 的节假日。经过艰苦努力,课题组终于完成了正确而翔实的分析报告,为该项目的成功做出了突出贡献。该研究项 目最终获得国防科技进步一等奖,其成果已成功应用于对某型机的多型国产精确制导武器和数据链的加装任务,显 著提升了该机型的综合作战效能,他本人再次荣立集团公司二等功。”


“在某机火控系统全面国产化研制任务中,朱荣刚参加并主持完成了火控系统及相关设备的方案论证、总线信息流、 技术规范、验收试验程序设计等工作。为了首次实现指挥引导功能,朱荣刚多次赴空军某部进行指挥引导分析验证 试验,完成了火控指挥引导模型的建立及验证,确保了远距离指挥引导和空空数传能力的成功实现以及实弹靶试的 成功。该项目荣获了国防科技进步二等奖,他本人也荣立了集团公司一等功。 ”

在国产的j11b系列战斗机上装有新的火控系统,具有远程数据链和第三方(预警机或者第二架j11b)将目标数据传给导弹发射机, 发射机可以在脱离过程继续传数据给已经发射的导弹,直到击中目标。
artilce claim that new gen. of PLAAF could fire wide variety of air to ground and air to air guide missile.
aside from this aircraft such as J-11b carry data link,or equivalent of USAF rockwell MIDS data link and FDS,allowing fighter using secure data link to communicate with AWAC or another fighter.


Banned Idiot
why there's no official J-15 pics released? if varyag is ready by 2012, J-15 should already starting to test flight by now.

maybe when varyag is ready, there won't any naval fighters available.
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why there's no official J-15 pics released? if varyag is ready by 2012, J-15 should already starting to test flight by now.

maybe when varyag is ready, there won't any naval fighters available.
I have some doubts that the Varyag will be used in full service. It's more likely to be used for operations training, which means the timeline for a serviceable naval fighter does not need to match the exact timeline of a serviceable carrier. In any case, I find 2012 to be an overly optimistic number.
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