it's actually amazing they found enough AL-31F to field 20+ J-15s. I don't know where they got that many AL-31F lying around considering that Russians are definitely watching to prevent China from building their own flankers.
Heh!, Heh!, Heh!, like two girls fighting for homecoming queen, Russia and China have similar goals?? (STOP USA) Its important to win the beauty contest, but its far, far, more important to keep little SUZY from winning! Besides if you can get the other chick to buy last years "prom dress"? that give you "cashola" to buy a new one with more sequins and bangels?? (ask me how I know this???)
Anyone who doubts this should take a close look at the UN security council vote condemning Israel for building settlements? (Barack Obama revealed his "churlish nature" to the whole world? in order to stick his finger in Bibi Netanyahu's and Donald Trump's eyes!)
As the Father of 7 daughters, I have witnessed "power plays, and strategic alliances". At this stage for anyone to doubt China's willingness to give a little to Russia, in order to solidify its own role. Russia will make sure China has enough AL-31F to build enough Flankers to keep the USA busy. Obama's "announced" "Pacific Pivot" backfired as Obama sought to turn the worlds attention away from his weakness to confront Russia on the Ukrainian issue, he inflamed tensions with China, and in fact is directly responsible for both China and Russia "stepping up" to strengthen their own forces, as well as a mutual pact to defeat USA, at first economically, and then militarily!
So the more Flankers the USA has to contemplate contending with, the less energy USA can concentrate on "projecting power" on both fronts, Europe and the China's Eastern and Southern coasts and seaward. That public announcement by the Obama administration was mainly put out there to "deceive itself" into believing they were "world class"?? what nonsense?
This "alliance" will celebrate 100 years of cooperation with the 100 year anniversary of "RED OCTOBER"? If indeed Russia has sold the Chinese those much talked about and contentious SU-35s, and if China has indeed purchased them?????? the fix is in.