Furthermore, the PS which surfaced on CDF earlier had the original intakes.
So we have a further refined variant then the J-11B, interesting. Must be further enhanced strike capability then, seeing it is gonna be a twin-seater. And its gonna be installed with AESA radar, since the Su-35 already has PESA.海外媒体关于中国空军的新型战机又传出消息,称中国开始生产歼11B战斗机。
汉和称根据俄罗斯消息来源,自2006年11月以来,中国向俄罗斯订购了若干批OLS-31E光电(O/E )探测系统零配件。汉和主编平可夫认为,中国大批进口OLS-31E散件,说明中国已开始自行组装OLS-31E,用于中国即将进行的歼-11B战斗机生产。
从各方面的消息称中国新歼-11B改进型歼-11CS已研发成功,其性能参数比苏35更先进,这也是中国迟迟不愿参与俄罗斯第五代战机研发之一。新歼-11B采用的是更为先进的导航和火控系统。它与新型苏27MK的机体要略大。在某些地方也更优越于苏-35 有消息称中国歼11-B是苏35的翻版。那歼-11CS 其性能将全面超越苏35,而歼11-CS 与中国研发的歼14有大大的不同。不论是在机体结构还是其它方面。新歼-11CS将全面应用中国所掌握的先进技术结合国外引进的先进技术。超能激光技术也将应用在歼-11CS上,这将突破传统的战机结构设想。
PLAAF is about to introduce an improve version of J-11B call J-11CS, report to be "more advance than SU-35".
So we have a further refined variant then the J-11B, interesting. Must be further enhanced strike capability then, seeing it is gonna be a twin-seater. And its gonna be installed with AESA radar, since the Su-35 already has AESA.
So we have a further refined variant then the J-11B, interesting. Must be further enhanced strike capability then, seeing it is gonna be a twin-seater. And its gonna be installed with AESA radar, since the Su-35 already has AESA.
What happened to the J11BS???
Oh the pun... *sobs*what do you expect? its BS