Why is the Maximum load dependent from the Hard-points ? Following this logic, the F-15E would have nearly twice the load-capability in comparison to the vanilla F-15C.
The structure of the airframe is the Center issue ... As such, features the J-11D a structure similar to the Su-30, it could carry more, is it based only on the Fighter-Flanker, it could carry less.
Actually maximum load depends on a number of variables, I have at times flown aircraft that were over gross??? for instance a Cessna 172 had a gross of 2200 to 2300 lbs??? if your aircraft had long range tanks, and you filled them, it was a 2 place aircraft instead of 4 place. The J-11B should have the higher thrust WS-10s, it also likely has carbon fiber in copious amounts, which "could theoretically" reduce empty weight. I have very little doubt that the J-11B is rated at around 8,000lbs usefull load, pilot, RIO, fuel, and ordinance. Additional hard points actually add to the empty weight, but if you have the reserves thrust and lift they may actually up your gross weight.
Most aircraft on military missions fly under gross weight, the advantage of that is great margins of safety and performance. In fact most aircraft marginally loaded over gross only lose performance, and the ability to carry Gs without permanent damage as long as the load is carried with the design center of gravity. As I recall our 172 at gross weight was rated to be safely flown to 3.8 Gs in the NORMAL category with the seats full. Drop the gross weight, and carry only two passengers and it was licensed in the utility category at 4.2 Gs and approved for "intentional spins".
Point being that gross weight is a figure that may only depend on paper work, lots of aircraft have had the gross weight increased with a simple paper work change.