China Flanker Thread II

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Senior Member
Seems that you was reading just a few lines of text from there...

There are only few lines of text there ;) And if you disagree please point specifically what you want to emphasize .

You already lost in that discussion even if I agree with You that "new weapons could HAVE been added to Su-33 inventory", but they simply were not.

We don't know that . Sukhoi did propose modernization of Su-33 in stages ( engines , airframe , avionics and of course new weapons ) . Russian government supposedly selected MiG-29K (mainly because of Indians) , but they didn't completely rejected Su-33 either . In fact , most probably they will keep SU-33s as long as they could , and gradually introduce Mig-29K . Therefore , we don't know what was done , or what would be done to Su-33 in near past and future . And to reinforce my point I'm posting this link :

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Junior Member
Roflmao someone's actually telling Flateric that he doesn't know about russian aviation? Poor soul if he only knew. ;)

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Roflmao someone's actually telling Flateric that he doesn't know about russian aviation? Poor soul if he only knew. ;)

I'm thinkin Chief Thundercloud sounds like my little buddy????? or maybe his clone?? Sorry Chief, no offense chief, but all that speculation with no real source and it could be????? And the Russian aerospace industry is kind of on draw-down, like our US industry??? Brat

Jeff Head

Registered Member
You can try start with finding any photos of "Kh-41" made after that MAKS show-up.
Or reading KTRV or Progress yearly reports....
I have never seen any. After the shows, it wasn't too long later that work progressed on the Onyx and the Yakhont.

And once the Onyx was developed there would have been no use or sense in developing the KH-41, which was the air launched Moskit.

In volume, the Moskit is not much bigger than Onyx, but it is in the weight that all the difference is made. Onyx is about 2.5 tons while the Moskit is 4.5 yons for the planned air launched variety...the KH-41.

So why would they? The answer is obvious. IMHO, they wouldn't and they didn't.

In spite of other links on this thread, here is what the 2006 U.S. Naval Institute Guide to Naval Weapon Systems says about the KH-41. On page 539 Freedman says, "Nothing seems to have come of Kh-41 (NATO AS-20), the projected air-launched version of this missile." (Just google that quote and anyone can find it and see it)

...and he is right.


Senior Member
@flateric @Jeff Head Ok , I did some research , and looks like you were right , Kh-41 project was canceled or shelved . Still , there is a lot circumstantial evidence that this was not just a blueprint or mockup , and looks to me there were some actual firings of the missile (maybe from T-10K prototype ? :confused: ) :

Х-41 Разработка противокорабельной ракеты ''Москит'' 3М-80 была начата в МКБ ''Радуга'' в 1973 г. под руководством главного конструктора И.С. Селезнева.Первоначально ракета разрабатывалась в корабельном варианте для вооружения эсминцев, ракетных катеров и экранопланов. Ракета 3М-80 предназначалась для замены крылатых ракет П-15. В 1984 г. корабельный вариант ''Москита'' 3М-80 был принят на вооружение на эсминцах типа ''Современный'' (проект 956). Работы же над авиационным вариантом ''Москита'' Х-41 затянулись, и он был принят на вооружение между 1992 и 1993 гг.

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This basically says that air-launched version of Moskit was delayed , but it did enter service between 1992. and 1993.


Junior Member
This basically says that air-launched version of Moskit was delayed , but it did enter service between 1992. and 1993.

"Never read soviet newspapers before dinner" (c) Heart of a Dog, Mikhail Bulgakov
So, we have air-launched Moskit in inventory for 20 years, but KTRV
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They are invisible as we never saw it on any T-10Ks or Su-33s in last decade.
Perhaps, we have a bunch of Cherno Alphas, too, and MoD knows nothing of it as well.
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Junior Member
Even if J-15 can carry Moskit, it makes no sense for it.

Why, because it can only carry one Moskit at a time. It is far more effective to carry 4 YJ-12 than carry one Moskit for anti ship.
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