The Russians said No deal
This is rather confused. Some says "yes" like it is true while some other says "no" like it never happens. Just relax, sit back and wait. Time will tell.
The Russians said No deal
This is rather confused. Some says "yes" like it is true while some other says "no" like it never happens. Just relax, sit back and wait. Time will tell.
If the news of the Su-35 purchase were true, Indians of
the bharat-rakshak forum would be proven true:
the J-20 is just a plastic and plywood contraption.
If the news are true they will appear soon on the Sukhoi`s page, if you do not see them in 6 months from now very likely, they deal was never signed. but definitively a big of such importance will most likely appear in Sukhoi`s webpage news section
If the news are true they will appear soon on the Sukhoi`s page, if you do not see them in 6 months from now very likely, they deal was never signed. but definitively a big of such importance will most likely appear in Sukhoi`s webpage news section
Well brother Omar, glad you joined us, but if you would be so kind as to read this thread, and watch the many video's, and check the outstanding photographs, you would be most unlikely to venture such a vacuous and empty observation.......that does take the cake, obviously if you choose to believe such nonsense,,,,,,,,,well, I must say I am rather dumb founded by your post. I would hope you are not trying to insult our Chinese brothers intelligence, but I must say, this is very poor manners to say the least, and gentlemen, please accept my apology, the J-20 is very well thought of by knowledgable airmen.
There are a great many logical reasons that they would be well advised to make such a purchase, and not because of any lack of credibility or capability of their own IMHO........One being the incredible amount of work and engineering that goes into any fifth generation aircraft! AFB
I think omarbuzz was being ironic?
Then China has the most advance plastic and plywood in the world since it flies.