China Flanker Thread II

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Its common among airforce to simulate possible potential foes. Nothing wrong and is an open secret.

I bet FC-1 might even enter PLAAF as an aggressor unit, just like F-5II of America.

FC-1 will simulate USAF,Philippines or ROCAF F-16.

J-10 is a better aggressor unit for the F-16.


Banned Idiot
J-10 is a better aggressor unit for the F-16.

But FC-1 doesn't fly with the Air force or Naval Aviation. It would be good dissimilar training experience for the J-10. Another candidate would the L-15 to similar a light, highly maneuverable aggressor like MiG-29.


Lieutenant General
Those are not aggressors, they are Su30MKK strikers and would likely employ low altitude high speed penetration tactics in combat.

The pinkish red colour they have been painted in is actually a very good approximation of the soil colour of large ares of Southern China when viewed from the air.

If the PLAAF wanted to paint their aggressors distinctively different from line aircraft, they would likely have opted for a more western style paint scheme to better simulate the looks of potential adversaries. What more, the PLAAF would not have used aging MKKs as aggressors. The MKK has had significant beefing up of the airframe to carry heavier ATG loads, and as much lost a measure of agility. The airframes are aging and expensive to operate. None of that make them good candidates as aggressors, especially when there are so many other air superiority oriented Flanker variants the PLAAF could choose from.

As for using JF17s as aggressors, well that would no doubt be beneficial to training, but setting up the logistics to support a brand new fighter type for a very small number of airframes would make very little sense for the PLAAF. Late model J7Gs are good enough for the role while being very cheap to operate because of the PLAAF's existing large stockpile of spares and large number of already pilots and ground crews who are well qualified to operate and maintain them, and the airframes themselves could easily come free of cost as there are bound to be a lot of J7s going spare as PLAAF units convert to J10s and J11s.


Senior Member
J-10 is a better aggressor unit for the F-16.

J-10 aerodynamic is too advance to act as a F-16. J-10 canard design is especially advantage when going high attitude and high speed turning to evade BVRAAM and gain advantage in dogfight. It will be a overkill to make J-10 as aggressor F-16.
J-10 will be better as aggressor to act as IAF Rafale.

FC-1 is infact quite a capable plane. PAF pilots did comfirm the common characteristic of agility, handling of both FC-1 and F-16. The fact, many ex PAF F1-6 pilot decide to stay on JF-17 says something. I bet Lei Qiang has flown on PAF F-16 and give great feedback how to make a similar aircraft like F-16 of FC-1. Plus the outshap and size of FC-1 is quite similar to F-16. It will do good for simulating aggressor unit attacking Chinese Air defense with RCS taken into account.

Precisely J-10 was born is to kill F-16, not to match it. J-10 is born to surpass F-16.
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Lieutenant General
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J-10 aerodynamic is too advance to act as a F-16. J-10 canard design is especially advantage when going high attitude and high speed turning to evade BVRAAM and gain advantage in dogfight. It will be a overkill to make J-10 as aggressor F-16.
J-10 will be better as aggressor to act as IAF Rafale.

FC-1 is infact quite a capable plane. PAF pilots did comfirm the common characteristic of agility, handling of both FC-1 and F-16. The fact, many ex PAF F1-6 pilot decide to stay on JF-17 says something. I bet Lei Qiang has flown on PAF F-16 and give great feedback how to make a similar aircraft like F-16 of FC-1. Plus the outshap and size of FC-1 is quite similar to F-16. It will do good for simulating aggressor unit attacking Chinese Air defense with RCS taken into account.

Precisely J-10 was born is to kill F-16, not to match it. J-10 is born to surpass F-16.

J-10 was initially conceived to counter the soviet threat. Think about the 80s time period. It's a crazy idea to purchase FC-1 just for aggressor squad and nothing else.

Please take a look at what the current PLAAF aggressor squads are composed of.





Banned Idiot
Китайский истребитель J-15 совершил посадку на авианосец "Ляонин"

Russian sources claim Su-33/J-15 chinese naval fighter landed on Lioning Aircraft carrier

the quote the chinese magazine Хуанцю Шибао huanxio tsinbao.
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