China Flanker Thread II

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Lieutenant General
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you're correct, the ps descriptor is inaccurate. however, the curved horizon that was the obvious give away has finally written about explicitly, and that is the one element in this photo that allows us to question the action it represents in relation to objective reality.

the horizon does not curve in photos taken from level horizon, and the horizon would never curve upwards in any photo from any elevation.

additionally, notice that the angle of incline of the deck in the photo does not correspond to the angle of the actual deck.

It was taken with a freaking fish eyelens


There's nothing about the photo for us to question the "action it represents in relation to objective reality".

And what do you even mean; the angle of incline of the deck in the photo does not correspond to the angle of the actual deck??
By incline of the deck are you saying you think the effect of the fisheye lens makes you believe it's the ski jump?
It's not the ski jump.

Or by incline, are you talking about the landing strip's angle in relation to the rest of the flight deck? In that case the photographer simply stood parallel to the landing strip/waist to take the photo instead of standing parallel to the ship's length.

I can't believe we are even being so technical, clearly this photo is real.


If I'm a betting man I would venture a guess that the photo is real as well. Definitely taken with a fisheye lens on a touch and go on the angled deck.

Question is when did this happened? Did it happen on the last sea trial?


Lieutenant General
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If I'm a betting man I would venture a guess that the photo is real as well. Definitely taken with a fisheye lens on a touch and go on the angled deck.

Question is when did this happened? Did it happen on the last sea trial?

If you look at the deck markings, it's different to the current liaoning markings. So I'd say this photo could have been taken (at the latest) a few months ago, and at the earliest, maybe spring-ish.

but, what is it a photo of?

A touch and go of J-15 prototype aboard liaoning likely from a few months ago?


Banned Idiot
If you look at the deck markings, it's different to the current liaoning markings. So I'd say this photo could have been taken (at the latest) a few months ago, and at the earliest, maybe spring-ish.

A touch and go of J-15 prototype aboard liaoning likely from a few months ago?

spring-ish would have to be the better guesstimate as pics from june on this site show the thick white landing guidelines present.

can anyone find the location of that warning-yellow painted feature anywhere near the location that no-name suggested for this photo?

nevermind the last question. the feature is found on a photo in jeff head's post on 5-25-12, so it was taken before the markings were changed in june.

the curved horizon/fish-eye lens explanation, though, still leaves questions, for me, but that's just me!
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Junior Member
the curved horizon/fish-eye lens explanation, though, still leaves questions, for me, but that's just me!

I fail to see what question do you have. Of course the horizon curves, unless the horizon is right in the middle of the viewfinder.



Lieutenant General
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  • J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 554 + Shark.jpg
    J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 554 + Shark.jpg
    132.1 KB · Views: 72
  • J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 554 - 2.jpg
    J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 554 - 2.jpg
    91.5 KB · Views: 70
  • J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 556.jpg
    J-15 touch and go on Liaoning 556.jpg
    85.6 KB · Views: 63

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
If you look at the deck markings, it's different to the current liaoning markings. So I'd say this photo could have been taken (at the latest) a few months ago, and at the earliest, maybe spring-ish.

A touch and go of J-15 prototype aboard liaoning likely from a few months ago?

I think it is important to acknowledge that the J-15 is a variant of an aircraft that has been in service a number of years, not in the stricktest sense a prototype, and more precisely an LRIP aircraft IMHO. Brat, move along, nothing to see here.


One of the first questions to be answered when testing J-15 with CV-16 will have been: What must be changed in J-15 before we go into small scale production. That question has likely been aswered, the changes will have been made and the aircraft must now be in production. The production rate will be limited to one or two per month probably for the whole production period, enough for this flattop and possibly the two next ones.


VIP Professional
i expect a relatively small production run at first. 30, 40 planes tops. that should be some 2 batches, going on in 2013. and 2014. Then the production line may switch to j16. Then, as new, additional carriers get built - which may be near the end of the decade, more j15 may be built alongside j16.
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