Why strike fighter cant have TVC? If its true, forumer Mig-29 will lost the bragging right of its Su-35.
I can't wait for good news of J-10A still beating J-16 equip with TVC. LOL..
The TVC adds the ability to react faster see
of negligible extra weight, and allowing the maximum AoA of
the aircraft to increase to 70”.
Figure 15 shows the time advantage for the modified aircraft.
The contour trends are similar to those shown for Case 2. As
with the case study for reduced weight, the biggest advantage
to the TVC/PSM aircraft lies close to the manoeuvre stall
boundary. The advantage decreases as altitude is decreased.
The maximum advantage is again up to 10 seconds, with a
minimum of 3 seconds for all speeds, as long as altitude is
adjusted. Although it is not shown directly, comparing
Figures 12 and 15 shows that the TVC/PSM aircraft has a
minimum of a 3 second advantage over the lighter aircraft for
most of the Right envelope. At lower speed, the advantage
would fall to the lighter aircraft.
Returning to the comparison between the standard aircraft and
the TVC/PSM aircraft, it is seen from Figure 15 that the
standard aircraft will never have a time advantage. At low
altitude and high speed, both aircraft will be load factor
limited throughout the manoeuvre. This means that the
modified aircraft will not be allowed to go to post stall AoAs,
and so it will gain no advantage in having this technology.
Conversely, the standard aircraft will have no advantage in
turn time, and best that it can do is to fly low and very fast,
reducing the performance difference to zero.
Figure 17 shows that the turn diameter is as much as 20%
smaller than the standard aircraft (high altitude and high
speed), and also that it is as much as 10% smaller than the
lighter aircraft (Case 2, not shown). The standard aircratt can
only at best match this performance, by flying low and slow
For the vertical turn reversal, the addition of TVC and PSM
technologies to the aircraft can give very large time and
diameter advantages, even in excess of those seen in Case 2
(reduced weight). However, the use of TVC/ PSM will not
confer an energy advantage. The SEP at the end of the
manoeuvre can be so negative that if a hill is not obtained,
then the modified aircraft will be tactically in a very poor
slow situation, in only a few seconds. Here, NMA allows the
designer to see the trade off between energy and tmn
performance required for TVCIPSM aircralt
however the advantage is most of the time for the fighter with TVC nozzles
. The X-31A won only 15% while the degraded F/A-18 scored 46% of all 28
engagements thus no perfect equality was established
However looking at the right-hand side of Figure I I the X-31A
using its unique PST capabilities won 91% of all engagements from neutral, line-abreast starting conditions
So only if J-10 can use a good high Offbore missiles and better detection and jamming it might win, but the fighter with TVC nozzles has increased turn, range, thrust and stealth, advantages that are important to mention, so J-16 won`t be easy to kill if indeed it has TVC nozzles