That alleged super agility of TVC fighters is still overrated to some extent I think. I remember an account of a EF pilot on an excersice in India against MKIs. At altitudes over 10.000ft I think the MKIs would do their cobra style maneuvers only nose down (i.e. roll inverted first & then pull), to have gravitiy aid them in immediately gaining forward speed again. Seemingly because at these altitudes they were afraid of inducing a compressor stall with the air already rather thin & a disrupted airflow to the engine. Plus these aircraft, with an opertional loadout, are indeed rather heavy.
If you get suprised by such a maneuver you will overshoot and stuff, but if you can see what's coming there's a way of pulling up & away to create turning room for yourself, stay clear of his Weapons Employment Zone, and come around for another attack.
Adding to that, after one of these post stall stunts you're so much out of energy, and therefore out of options, if you mess up the one chane you may have, or if there's a second opponent, you've pretty much had it.
People usually use this example to claim thrust vectoring is not an aid, but i will put it in context.
If you have a J-11B without thrust vectoring against a J-10, and a Su-35BM or Su-30SM against a J-10, the differences in agility will be important.
First thrust vectoring increases your instantaneous turn rate, if the Su-27/J-11 has instantaneous of 28 deg/sec, the Su-35 might have one of 30-31 deg/s just by adding thrust vectoring, add the increased power of the new 117 engine and you will increase the sustained turn rate perhaps near 23-24 deg/s from an original of 21 deg/sec.
Due to the greater
increase in the instantaneous turning rate, the aircraft agility
is apparently upgraded; this is more advantageous to air combat.
Thrust vectoring control increases the
persistent turn rate and the instantaneous turn rate of the
aircraft, thus considerably upgrading aircraft agility.
Especially at low speeds, thrust vectoring control greatly
upgrades the aircraft maneuverability and stability, thus
considerably upgrading the close air combat performance of the
So now you have a fighter that has increased agility without increasing wing area or reducing wing loading.
So a Su-35 can easily tangle with a J-10 or Eurofighter.
Now add increased range and stealth, yes this means thanks to less use in tailplanes and flaperons the range is increased so this will add increases in thrust.
just by pure conventional roll and turns thrust vectoring has added increased agility.
Thrust vectoring can greatly improve the maneuverability of an aircraft such as
turning, useful in combat to out maneuver non thrust vector controlled enemy
Now post stall, post stall is to be used with care, but cobra or hook are not the only maneuvres to be used in combat, in fact post stall allows to fight in a way no other fighter can, it means when a eurofighter is on a head on course with a Su-35 and the eurofighters is flying behind after the head on pass, the Su-35 can turn quicker to kill the EUrofighter in maneuvres such as moongose, helicopter.
Add Su-35 can supercruise, in supercruise the Thrust vectoring will reduce drag and aerodynamic control, so here you have increased stealth.
So in few words J-11B can not tangle with Su-35 in performance and Su-30SM will be the same on a smaller scale.
J-10 is probably better in instantaneous turn rate to the vintage Su-27 and even MiG-29, it probably rolls better, but so is Eurofighter or Rafale due to lower wing loading.
However thrust vectoring will re-gain the advantage for Su-35 in way it simply can down any other jet with canards even having a higher wing loading.
F-22 is even more lethal becuase it lacks external stores so it can achieve turn rates higher than a fully loaded J-10 or Eurofighter at max weapons load, T-50 is probably even better tha F-22 and the Russians say better than F-22 in agility, for the same reason no external stores.
Su-35BM carries external stores so it will limit its agility
---------- Post added at 06:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------
Mig29, I'm sure that Russia has incrementally upgraded her fleet of Sukhois. But however the one that bears the closest resemblance, in terms of upgrades, to the Chinese Flanker is the Su-35. The Su35S is pretty much the only one that incorporates a significant level of radar absorbent material, composites, avionics upgrades, sensor fusion, that is comparable to the Chinese Flanker. I wouldn't compare two planes based on the sole fact that they are upgraded, but I would on the fact that their upgrades are similar. I see very similar goals and results in the upgrade programs for the Russian Su35S and the Chinese Flankers.
---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------
The engines and airframe on the J11B and J15 are not the same as the original. They incorporate 132 kN engines, as opposed to the 123 kN engines of the Su-27, and as well as over 700 kg weight reduction by composites and a 500% RCS reduction by radar absorbent materials. All of its internal technologies were changed. For example, it has been upgraded with various 5th generation technologies such as AESA radar, radar absorbent material, MAWS, IRST, etc.
Like I said, the only link between the J11B, J15, and the old Flankers is the fuselage design. They are essentially brand new fighters.
Powerplant: 1 × Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN or WS-10A Taihang turbofan
Dry thrust: 79.43 kN / 89.17 kN (17,860 lbf / 20,050 lbf)
Thrust with afterburner: 122.5 kN[11] / 132 kN (27,557 lbf / 29,101 lbf)
Officially the WS-10 is a 132, still not as powerful to the 117 or the new Al-31F-2 that are going or are being fit to new Su-35s or future Su-30SM
In terms of engineering, the engines are substantially modified AL-31F production engines employing fifth-generation technologies. They use a new fan, new high and low pressure turbines, and a new digital control system. A provision is made for using a vectored thrust nozzle. The modernization has increased the engine special mode thrust by 16%, up to 14,500 kgf. In the maximum burner-free mode it reaches 8,800 kgf. Compared to today’s AL-31F engines, their capabilities will grow substantially, by 2 to 2.7 times. For instance, the between-repair period will grow from 500 to 1,000 hours (the operating period before the first overhaul is 1,500 hours). The designed period will vary between 1,500 and 4,000 hours
AL-31F M2 engine contemplated by OKB Sukhogo (Sukhoi Design Bureau)
28 February 2012, Moscow – Technical experts gathered at FSUE “Gas-Turbine Engineering RPC “Salut” for a conference to review the results of Salut's R&D efforts towards implementing the 2nd Phase of the AL-31F engine modernization (known as AL-31F M2). OKB Sukhogo is showing interest in the engine upgrade to pursue the repowering program of Su-27SM and Su-34 aircraft of the Russian Air Force.
The R&D appraisal meeting – the first one after a five years' pause – saw the participation of all the parties concerned: “OKB “Sukhogo”, “Lyulka NTTs”, “United Aircraft Corporation” and “United Engine-Building Corporation”. The project status report was presented by Sergey Rodyuk, who noted that all the activities for the second phase of the engine upgrade had been in close adherence to the specified timeframes. The special program of the 2nd phase engine bench tests in the climatic test facility at TsIAM has by now been completed with the results demonstrating the engine's capability of attaining 14 500 kgf of static thrust and proving its design performance parameters in flight conditions. Compared with the first-phase AL-31FM, the latest iteration has a 9% higher thrust during flight operation.
check all data is official