China Flanker Thread II

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New J-15 pics:





Junior Member
They installed the WS-10 engine on it. They must have faith now that it can handle the sea air and the stresses of carrier landing and takeoff.


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They installed the WS-10 engine on it. They must have faith now that it can handle the sea air and the stresses of carrier landing and takeoff.

If they have enough faith to test fly the J-XX with it I'm sure it is good enough for the flankers.


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I could just be not seeing things correctly, but do you see the canards on the first 2 photos? The plane looks to be painted in PLAAF colours, which would not make sense for J-15.


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rumours that this naval regiment is replaced with J-11BS
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本报讯(陈静 朱士彩)1月中旬,南航某团修理厂三期士官韩松研制成功了飞机轮胎安全充气装置,在该团机务部队推广使用。这是该团针对老装备机务维护难题开展“小革新、小发明”活动3个月以来,机务官兵自行研制的第11(套)件设备。

Talks about a regiment in SSF getting a new type of aircraft. Speculated to be at JialaiShi, the 24th regiment of 8th division. who knows


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cover for january issue of aviation week,"Growth hornet" or super hornet.
super hornet incorporate a lot technology from F-35.and could be F-35 killers.
giving the hard fact that J-20 going to pretty expensive,a alternative solution will be "silent Flanker" similiar to boeing "Silent eagle"
according to report that appear in chinese website 4~5 months ago, plan already underway for further reduction J-11 RCs.below the 3m RCS.
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