Those ethnic minorities are overwhelmingly of the same race (East Asian) with most of the rest of a similar race (Southeast Asian).
That Indian stinking up every thread with his pseudo-elitism perched on high from a white majority country that has nothing in common with him should be ignored.
Also to the innocently incompetent suggesting that China should start importing even Southeast Asians, catastrophic move. Average IQ there is in the 80s and at best 90s for some in the mainland (Vietnam). Completely different cognitive *and* personality profile.
Of course the Indian suggests that AND Latin Americans. SleepyIndian would do well to realize they score very low at any level of scholastic achievement, wealth creation, participation at any level of science, technology, or engineering, are net takers over a lifetime from the government (take more of tax revenue than they pay in over a lifetime), have far higher crime rates when compared to East Asians, every government and nation they established has been extremely corrupt with low trust between groups, and so on, but according to him since they didn't completely collapse those states where they make up a large population then that's good enough.
What I really don't understand though is why people even bother with this guy, he and his opinions are as irrelevant as a grain of rice or a bag of farts. His real homeland (the one him and his ancestors and his racial relatives have existed in for all history) is emblematic of *every* problem that could possibly exist.
Among the most polluted, poorest, dumbest, corrupt people and country on Earth. His opinions are worse than useless, they are destructive and honestly most people would do best not to expose their innocence to his inherent savagery.