How quickly things move from the apocalyptic 'yellow locusts devouring the world' to a catastrophic and calamitous 'getting old before getting wealthily'
Knee jerk reactions much.....
This is probably a long time coming, if you subscribe to the notion that the foundation of the modern (post 1978) Chinese state and its economy was just China copying Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore then the after effects should be largely the same (simple cause and effect) well standing at 1.1 Singapore's current fertility rate has dropped from 4.66 when it split from Malaysia in 1965, so I guess they are!
So where's the wannabe Gordon Chang novel about the coming fall of Singapore?
Since that's not on message how about 'Islamic China', after all birth rate amongst Uyghurs is so much higher than the Han! We can do the Chinese version of the 'browning of America' the KKK, dog whistle politics, kids in cages etc the BBC/CNN would love that one just waiting for that new narrative to appear, consistent messaging be damned (isn't there a Uyghur genocide going on!), After all since yellow is the new black, I guess Islam could be the new communism!
As we say where my forebears are from a serious case of 船頭驚鬼船尾驚賊