Can we stop talking about off topic stuff like IQ? Thanks.
According to this, fertility was 1.66 in 2010.Why make claim when you don't know the demographic situation in China.
No, it's the other way around, if the west is fucked, China is triple fucked.
Do you even know the TFR of China and e.g. the USA?
USA 2020 TFR ~ 1.6
China census 2010 - TFR 1.18, 2020 census year, TFR probably between 1.0 and 1.1.
Not really In SEA we have extensive discussion on this subject It is both Nature and Nurture and not just nurture or environment only. You are incorrect you can take kid from the slum and put it in first class education system and you think he can become genius? Case in point US pour ton of money to promote education for slum dweller and yet year after year the test result show otherwise. Or the need for preferential entrance that is challenge now. That is the problem with liberal education policy. One of the book that tell it as it is Bell CurveMy personal IQ is extremely high. "My case" was just a hypothetical example.
The reality is your "statistical average" is race science - in other words, racism, pure and simple.
It is morally wrong.
In reality IQ is not some sort of genetic or national trait, statistical or otherwise - it is a product of nurture and environment. IQ scores of the same national populations have increased dramatically in time with better childhood conditions and lower poverty rates. Take an average member of the Indian population, currently living with a lower per capita GDP than China, and put them in the US, with much better environment and educational system - and he or she will excel and score higher on IQ tests. Hence what their situation is in India is, is irrelevant when discussing Indian immigration to the US!
The reality is your "statistical average" is race science - in other words, racism, pure and simple.
It is morally wrong.
Not really In SEA we have extensive discussion on this subject It is both Nature and Nurture and not just nurture or environment only. You are incorrect you can take kid from the slum and put it in first class education system and you think he can become genius? Case in point US pour ton of money to promote education for slum dweller and yet year after year the test result show otherwise. Or the need for preferential entrance that is challenge now. T
Sharing statistics is obviously not racist, but claiming that they are unchangeable traits of national character, that would be unaffected by, say, an Indian moving from a slum in India to the US as an immigrant, is.Not going to discuss IQ any further, but want to specifically address the claim on racism.
I do not see how sharing statistics on average measured IQ across different nations can be any more racist than sharing statistics on household median income by ethnicity. Frankly, I don't consider sharing either set of statistics to be inherently racist in it of itself.
Sharing statistics is obviously not racist, but claiming that they are unchangeable traits of national character, that would be unaffected by, say, an Indian moving from a slum in India to the US as an immigrant, is.
I will stop talking about IQ, but I have to respond to people who are directly responding to me.
Then perhaps, you're not one of the "East Asians" blessed with this stupendous I.Q. thing? Lol..You sure you're not Indian because you seem rather defensive and is trying your best to rebutt anything and everything that undermines your anecdotal opinion on this subject of intelligence. There's nothing wrong with being of Indian descent, just like there's nothing wrong with being East Asian descent or any ethnic groups for that matter as far as am concerned. I meant no offense for inferring that you're not who claim you are, but if I cause any offense, my apologies in advance.Ah yes, so when my Indian coworker comes up with a solution I didn't come up with and solves more problems for my company than me, I'll just tell my boss, "b-b-but I'm East Asian and studies claim East Asians have higher IQ on average!"
Then perhaps, you're not one of the "East Asians" blessed with this stupendous I.Q. thing? Lol..You sure you're not Indian because you seem rather defensive and is trying your best to rebutt anything and everything that undermines your anecdotal opinion on this subject of intelligence. There's nothing wrong with being of Indian descent, just like there's nothing wrong with being East Asian descent or any ethnic groups for that matter as far as am concerned. I meant no offense for inferring that you're not who claim you are, but if I cause any offense, my apologies in advance.