China demographics thread.


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China should only welcome those who could become - not just legally, not just ideologically, but culturally and spiritually Chinese. Not only that, but it should also plan for subsequent generations - it must make sure the immigrants' children will also be assimilated and won't just go off to form their own ethnic enclaves within China. Only then could it avoid what's happening in Europe and the US.
Yup, that’s why I argued that China should focus on opening its borders to foreign women (both educated and less educated ones) because most nation states today are still patriarchal, meaning men are in positions to set political agendas and construct narratives. If China were to imports lots of foreign men (especially from less developed countries that remain strongly patriarchal), China WILL suffer the same consequence France and Britain did.

China has a unique case of men actually being weaker (with the exceptions of few CPC leaders and corporate CEOs) than women in societal influence and setting narratives partially due to the CPC’s entrenched feminist ideology/policies. PRC is already somewhat of a quasi-matriarchal nation in most social strata with exception at the political top brass and Muslim regions. Lower class Chinese men are equivalent to the Dalits of China. So giving work permits and PR to foreign women would actually help stabilise demographics and enhance social stability/justice. Kids born to PRC fathers and foreign mothers in China are also more likely to be ideologically and culturally assimilated.

For example, Vietnamese and SE women married to Chinese men in Guangxi and Yunnan (as well as Russian women married to Chinese men) are more like to stay and work in China. Meanwhile, middle class Chinese women married to foreign businessmen in first tiers cities are likely to immigrate abroad and spread hatred toward China. This issue is a combination of gender conflict, colonial mindset, and economic inequality.


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Do you see any prospects of American scientists other than Chinese Americans moving to China after the massive Trump firings?
very few. In general, US PI level talent are managers, not doers. But what China needs to do is actually already clear, it is executing that is hard. Even in aerospace and astronomy, 2 fields where having the wrong direction is 100x more ruinous than being bad at execution, the direction is set already. There's a plan out to 2050 for space exploration and at least to the 2040s for flight. Do you want people who didn't participate in the setting of these plans to be coming in and wrecking everything?

A Chinese might be OK with accepting management from someone else for the money and to live in a better environment for them. Do you think a white man will be OK with taking orders from Chinese permanently?


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very few. In general, US PI level talent are managers, not doers. But what China needs to do is actually already clear, it is executing that is hard. Even in aerospace and astronomy, 2 fields where having the wrong direction is 100x more ruinous than being bad at execution, the direction is set already. There's a plan out to 2050 for space exploration and at least to the 2040s for flight. Do you want people who didn't participate in the setting of these plans to be coming in and wrecking everything?

A Chinese might be OK with accepting management from someone else for the money and to live in a better environment for them. Do you think a white man will be OK with taking orders from Chinese permanently?

I can see disgruntled white scientists and civil servants taking order from Chinese managers. Heck, people need to eat. If orange man does not respect science and treats American scientists working for federal government like dirt, that could be a win for China and Russia.


Lieutenant General
Meanwhile, middle class Chinese women married to foreign businessmen in first tiers cities are likely to immigrate abroad and spread hatred toward China. This issue is a combination of gender conflict, colonial mindset, and economic inequality.
Yeah but those Chinese or Asian women marriages can end up in divorces and their kids are lost in a foreign land and start experiencing gender identity.


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The big spikes at age 30-35 and 50-55? Correspond to China's baby boom in 1965-1970 and their children born in 1985-1990. When was China developing fastest? When the baby boom demographic matured in the workforce at around age 30-35 for the first round of reform in the mid 1990's and then when their kids entered the workforce around 2010.

It is no wonder that China is outmaneuvering these guys. It is literally putting 35 year olds against 58 year old grandpas. And while the 58 year old grandpas laughed at the 35 year old's parents for being uneducated, these 35 year olds are just as educated as the grandpas.

In the late 2020's and 2030's China will shine bright. The wave of youth in their 20's and 30's will drive huge innovation, while a flexible leadership concentrated in the 1980's generation raised in an era of great change will be able to respond readily to challenges.
Fully agree, which is why I've always emphasized that China's most promising period for dominance over the US is in the next 15 years. That's when a combination of current 25-35 years educated cohort (the "working age bulge") in management and leadership positions (they'll be 40-50), combined with the "youth bulge" of current 5-15 years highly educated cohort (who'll be 20-30) will deliver a one-two blow to the aging US establishment. Sure, there will also be more retired people (due to the 45-60 "soon to retire bulge", who'll be 60-75), which will be a resource sink, but it still beats whatever the US, Japan, Europe, UK, and South Korea have got going.

This is also why South Korea, despite its ~0.7 TFR, is still competitive in many industries, while Japan is struggling to maintain competitiveness. South Korea's nominal GDP per capita actually surpassed Japan's in 2023, reversing decades of Japan being more advanced / wealthy:


You can see South Korea's "working age bulge" in the 25-35 group that's currently holding the economy up while for Japan, their bulge is in the 45-60 range, hence their whole economy feels like it's run by dinosaurs - because it actually is.

Immigration will not solve this problem as even in the US, most immigrants or their descendants will never be able to truly enter the leadership class (sorry Vivek and Yang, the only 2nd generation immigrant that will lead is Trump).
I have a different take. I think US whites are seeing their powers and privileges erode as their demographic power worsens relative to immigrants, who are younger, hungrier, and increasingly run the American economy; this is what is driving the pivot to radical right-wing leaders like Trump, who promise to make (White) American Great Again. But demographics is destiny - Trump will not be able to reverse demographics in the short term, and as that 30-60 population range moves up to 45-75, it's going to take a toll on white power across US industries.

This will be addressed either through gate keeping, which will erode US competitiveness, or through acceptance, which will erode white control of the US.

The sole way for whites to maintain power in the US will be to absorb young European immigrants (especially from Eastern Europe). That might yet be the plan from Trump, but I don't necessarily think those people will have the same ideology or cultural out look as native white Americans.



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Jiangsu's comprehensive subsidy for one child is 28889 yuan, and unemployed women in Jiangsu can receive a three-month unemployment benefit for giving birth at once
Hohhot provides a subsidy of 10000 yuan for a first child, 50000 yuan for a second child, and 100000 yuan for a third child
Although this data is still a drop in the bucket compared to international subsidy cases, it has set a good example. The two sessions clearly stated the need to implement subsidy policies to promote childbirth nationwide.