China demographics thread.


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Malthusian ideology was predicated on the idea that humans, like locusts, would reproduce until and after they've consumed all available natural resources, causing ecological collapse, and so government policy was needed to control human populations. This was clearly false (and historically false). Yet Western think tanks continued to push the idea that over population in developing countries was the main threat to the world, convincing (especially) Chinese leaders that they should impose the one-child policy.

I know what Malthusian theory is.

It was simply the continuation of long standing white supremacist thinking that people who aren't white can't be trusted to govern themselves. Africans, Chinese, etc. can't help but breed, so they have to be stopped, etc.

Lol no. The neo-Malthusian revival of the 20th century occurred because there was in fact evidence that many countries could not feed themselves. In fact, India, one of the fastest growing countries in terms of population, was under threat of famine as late as 1980. It was only due to the general advances of the Green Revolution, and globalization of food supply chains that such a crisis was averted. Even then, several African countries suffered through famines anyway. Though that was more often down to institutional failure rather than failing agricultural policies.