In 2022, the number of people in first marriages only fell 9.16%, but the number of births the following year fell 17.6%? These are gigantic, slashing declines of epic proportion. And the real source is Baidu Tieba's City Data account, from a report dated no later than Dec. 27. That's too early to know all the year's births since December births aren't in yet, right? Can a forum account really be reliable?
I actually expect an increase in births this year or next year. The pandemic and economic instability are being left behind and the effect from the expansion of university education will start to decrease.China’s population falls by 2.08 million to 1.4097 billion in 2023 as births tumble, adding to demographic concerns
China Births 9.02 million!!
A 5.65% drop. This is very, very good news and proves the RFA/VOA report was a lie. Egg on the face of RFA/VOA. No wonder no other news outlets picked it up! In retrospect, my doubts about the report's veracity proved true:
Never fully trust the American news media and their China dooming, lol. Of course, this doesn't change China's grim demographic situation, but any slowdown in the fall of births in China is good news, since this is a quantitative issue, after all. A problem delayed by one year is like another year of suspended sentence, and a little more time to (possibly) try to turn around the issue with more policies and/or cultural change.
If the economic prosperity of a nation can be preserved without population increase and maybe even with population decrease, Planet Earth will thank us.China is still younger and a a better age pyramid distribution than most of the Western countries.
By the time they start feeling some trouble from these demographic topics, they will fully rise.