I would add to Jon K invasion strategy by manuver surface fleet in range and forge a beach head with accurate cannon fire on the fourth day, progressively move inland and knock out counter attack asset that will pose a threat to the landing.
kinetic sabot+sat guidence+large calibre rapid fire artillery==winning formula for offshore bombardment.
It goes both ways, seeker-head munitions such as anti-ship version of Vulcano under development will enable more effective coastal defense too. When and if the concept works, it will be a lot more effective form of coastal defense than traditional shore launched ASM's. The artillery pieces have the benefit of being capable additionally to support ground battle too, while ASM's can just hit ships, and perhaps some ground targets.
Modern artillery pieces have multiple-round-simultaneous impact capability. Thus, if we have Archer/PZH-2000 etc. battery of six artillery pieces they can fire their rounds in a way that the defending ship formation will have to deal with 30-36 very fast and small incoming targets.