It's a pretty raw deal to eat hardtack instead of garrison ration inside a base. I presume that is for reserve during an emergency?
Do you think claims that China possess 200-400 nuclear warheards are real? Or does China have more nukes, considering the expansion of SSBNs, new DF such as DF31AG or the new DF41?Are those Chinese claims or fanboy claims?
Do you think claims that China possess 200-400 nuclear warheards are real? Or does China have more nukes, considering the expansion of SSBNs, new DF such as DF31AG or the new DF41?
In an underground base of the Chinese rocket force.
Again well deserved RIP a great patriot via Samsara
Do you think claims that China possess 200-400 nuclear warheards are real? Or does China have more nukes, considering the expansion of SSBNs, new DF such as DF31AG or the new DF41?
Best approximation is probably “as many as they want”
China is not bound by any treaty to not produce nukes, and there is absolutely no shortage of nuclear power plants.
We do know that China once considered Soviet Russia as a potential launch target and nowadays considers America one.
According to a recent interview (posted here IIRC a few pages back), launch sites are heavily defended, even against hypersonic weapons and ballistic missiles.
Also, China has a no first use policy, which means that the number of warheads would be high enough to withstand a first strike from soviet/US.
In order to do so, China would either have to own an absurd amount of nukes or have extreme confidence in intercepting enemy nukes. The truth likely lies somewhere in between.
Maybe there's a third explanation -- China has absurd confidence in humanity.