There's also this galWith the news about India and China dominated by conflict in Ladakh and such, it's important to remember that at the people to people level, there have always been good stores. This Indian guy living in China is such an example. He is well liked and respected in China.
There's also this gal
I was looking for her video to post along with the video about the Indian guy in Xian. Thanks for doing that. It's also a very good one.
One thing to note: despite all the news about border conflicts between India and China and negative news about China in general in Indian media, Chinese in China have been very friendly to Indians working and living in there. This is explicitly confirmed by Indians there. In fact, one could also say the same things about Americans in China. One the contrary, it's difficult to say the exact same thing for Chinese in India or the US respectively.
I think it shows the good-natured and cosmopolitan side of contemporary Chinese populace towards foreigners and foreign countries.
The problem is, in order to get rid of the BJP nationalists, religion and caste system, they would have to get rid of the media and those with vested interests as well and actually take care of domestic problems which would get the candidate or an already elected leader absolutely destroyed in the elections, by the next jackass that would just promise the world and deliver nothing like Modi, while buying off the media to ensure everybody knows he is doing gods work...Indians should get rid these BJP nationalists, get rid off deeply rooted cultural obstacles like religions and caste system ( +many other issues in society in general) and turn to a model close to a proven one, like Chinese one. Scale matters. India needs it's cultural revolution.
@weig2000With the news about India and China dominated by conflict in Ladakh and such, it's important to remember that at the people to people level, there have always been good stores. This Indian guy living in China is such an example. He is well liked and respected in China.
I attribute that to religion that fatalistic attitude had been condition in the mind of the poor also with the help of Bollywood it eases their pain. The indifference among the elite is so shocking they wallow on their wealth and status and complain about the peasant for being a parasite. Democracy is being used to legitimized their governance instead of merit.The problem is, in order to get rid of the BJP nationalists, religion and caste system, they would have to get rid of the media and those with vested interests as well and actually take care of domestic problems which would get the candidate or an already elected leader absolutely destroyed in the elections, by the next jackass that would just promise the world and deliver nothing like Modi, while buying off the media to ensure everybody knows he is doing gods work...
Unless the, for the lack of a better term, peasants actually rise up and revolt, it’s almost impossible... the problem here tho is that India with its focus on servicing the west for past few decades have created enough wealth for enough people to not want that change... rendering a cultural revolution scenario all but dead... they will simply have to work it out another way... but first have to recognise that they actually have a problem... but when you have Indians who believe whole heartedly that India is on par with most of the developed countries in the world... how will that happen...
I would say religion definitely played its part but I would say it’s more of a catalyst rather the main cause... I would attribute the main cause of this to lack of eduction, not necessary in the lack of knowledge itself but the lack of wider view on the world in general... which in turn allowed religion to play a bigger role then it should otherwise have in the lives of those affected... Bollywood with it portrayals certainly didn’t help matter... imagine a little kid with no understanding of the current world, from the level of technology (what is possible right now) to the cultural sensibilities of the wider world outside of his/her immediate surroundings... a realistic sci-fi movie with realistic CGI may inform this child that the world is actually as fantastic as portrayed, since he wouldn’t have the base grounding to tell him otherwise, and that his current surroundings are a result of some form of unfair or unjust act. I think this is the main cause that drove them to find comfort in religion that tell them everything has its place... this is also what made them so susceptible to the religious nationalists lure...I attribute that to religion that fatalistic attitude had been condition in the mind of the poor also with the help of Bollywood it eases their pain. The indifference among the elite is so shocking they wallow on their wealth and status and complain about the peasant for being a parasite. Democracy is being used to legitimized their governance instead of merit.
I would say religion definitely played its part but I would say it’s more of a catalyst rather the main cause... I would attribute the main cause of this to lack of eduction, not necessary in the lack of knowledge itself but the lack of wider view on the world in general... which in turn allowed religion to play a bigger role then it should otherwise have in the lives of those affected... Bollywood with it portrayals certainly didn’t help matter... imagine a little kid with no understanding of the current world, from the level of technology (what is possible right now) to the cultural sensibilities of the wider world outside of his/her immediate surroundings... a realistic sci-fi movie with realistic CGI may inform this child that the world is actually as fantastic as portrayed, since he wouldn’t have the base grounding to tell him otherwise, and that his current surroundings are a result of some form of unfair or unjust act. I think this is the main cause that drove them to find comfort in religion that tell them everything has its place... this is also what made them so susceptible to the religious nationalists lure...
As for the insensitivity of the ruling class... its inevitable that ones environment will inform ones judgement, the ruling elites of India is a remnant of what was prior to the independence of India itself... they had been, are and will likely continue or more like guarantee their position and dominance, as successive generations continue to be in such environment, the more removed they are from the plight of the poor... just look at the US elites or success stories... they would tell people that if you try hard enough you can succeed... while that is true to some extent, and for some it is certainly true, but it may not be for others, but since they have succeeded they become removed from what new plights that might have arise in the mean time... for the Indians it is further exacerbated by their caste system where the elites are so far removed they don’t even understand what poor people have to go through... effectively they are nobles of the modern world... and should a poorer person become successful they too would be immersed in the culture that gave rise to such views in the first and thus the cycle continues... I am not sure whether democracy can be entirely faulted for this development but it certainly doesn’t help...
To ensure that they’d win in the elections of 1898, Democrats also resorted to physical intimidation. Their paramilitary arm, the Red Shirts, marched on black communities across North Carolina, disrupting black church services and Republican meetings.
The places they couldn’t win, they seized by violence. When the Red Shirts found out the Fusion ticket had won in Wilmington, North Carolina in the elections of 1898, a mob marched on town, killing black residents and forcing the mayor, board of aldermen, and police chief to resign at gunpoint. It was the only in American history.
Statewide, the white supremacy campaign was effective. In 1898, Democrats won 52.8 percent of the vote in North Carolina, and ousted many Fusionists from office. “Fusion Downed. The State Democratic. Whites to Rule,” The Charlotte Observer blared after the election.
Back in power, Democrats were determined to never lose power again. There were two ways of ensuring this, according to Leloudis: making sure blacks could no longer vote, and making poor whites feel superior to and animosity toward black voters.
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