Chen Guangcheng is in the US embassy in Beijing!!

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Lieutenant General
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@ A mace -- I feel like your arguments would be far stronger without the occasional reference to bladerunner's hello kitty remark. It's been what, nearly two years now? :p


Lieutenant General
@ A mace -- I feel like your arguments would be far stronger without the occasional reference to bladerunner's hello kitty remark. It's been what, nearly two years now? :p

It's such a perfect example to the extreme. I could bring up how I'd hear people complain on talk radio about seeing Asians going to the electronics store buying Japanese electronics. Or how some people don't like how there's all these Asian grocery stores and why don't they buy from the mainstream American supermarkets. It goes on and it's all about the same thing as Hello Kitty t-shirts. But Hello Kitty t-shirts is so wonderful an example because it shows how far it goes that some people don't want others to express their own basic freedoms. I heard a radio talk show host who was a big Democratic Party mover and shaker complained about Asians voting for Asian political candidates. This was back when Matt Fong was up against Barbara Boxer for the California US Senate seat. One avid caller from Great Britain who was a book writer said that Asians should have their US citizenship taken away. And this came up again when now San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee ran for his office last year. And I have never heard anyone challenge them on any of it. Just like critics in here don't like how Chinese people don't criticize the Chinese government. But then there would be no Chen Guangcheng or any other dissident, would there? And they complain about China?
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Chen's "escape" just shows he wasn't as imprisoned in his own home as the propaganda says. What? All of the sudden the secret state police dropped the ball. I thought every move of every person in China is under surveillance like Westerners think. So if they have that information wrong, you'd better believe a lot of the other propaganda is wrong too. No one can deny every dissident coming out of China that gets to the West become nothing. That means the cause they stood for wasn't important. They were being used for other countries' agendas.

And I don't think in black and white so don't assume I think human rights violations don't occur in China. I know that's the anti-China tactic to suppress any other alternate view so that only one is perpetuated. And who thinks like a communist now? It's just I know those that complain don't really care. You have the anti-China side complain about Chinese girls wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts on the streets of their countries. Hello Kitty is Japanese and it's still a threat somehow? And people complain China suppresses freedom of expression? It's absolutely bizarre how Hello Kitty is seen as a threat somehow but I actually know what it means. It's a threat to culture because it's as simple as it being foreign and not one's own. If it's true complaints about Chinese girls wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts was expressed on the radio, there has to be of like minds out there to understand complaints about something so superficial. And the simplist explanation is it's foreign and they see a Chinese girl liking something foreign as disloyalty. You know where you see that type of thinking also? Cults. Cults want control over their members so they force them to wipe the slate clean in order to instill their values. How do you do that? You have the members demonize and denounce their own families cutting them off from their own heritage so that the only world they know is what the cult defines it as. Like I said before the mechanism for suppression of freedoms is what's different not that some violate and others don't.

Or the US could say ..... got help from the highly skilled SEAL team 6 :)


Senior Member
What did this guy do in order to be called a dissident? We do have some guys under observation by our internal security because they want to tear down our gouvernment structure, if all of them went to some embassy and made a fuzz there would be little space left for other news.

What did he do ? He got a call from the US government saying they're running out of China celebrity 'dissidents'. They're getting a lot of headache from the Occupy groups, attention on atrocities in Afghanistan, Guantanamo etc. So they asked if he would like a once in a lifetime chance of fame in the west. They promised to pay him well, based on his performances of course.
He also gets free food and lodging in the US embassy. So he said yes and now he's a 'dissident'. :)


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I guess I am interested in how Cheng managed to escape the compound. Couldn't have been Batman could it???


Junior Member
It's such a perfect example to the extreme. I could bring up how I'd hear people complain on talk radio about seeing Asians going to the electronics store buying Japanese electronics. Or how some people don't like how there's all these Asian grocery stores and why don't they buy from the mainstream American supermarkets. It goes on and it's all about the same thing as Hello Kitty t-shirts. But Hello Kitty t-shirts is so wonderful an example because it shows how far it goes that some people don't want others to express their own basic freedoms. I heard a radio talk show host who was a big Democratic Party mover and shaker complained about Asians voting for Asian political candidates. This was back when Matt Fong was up against Barbara Boxer for the California US Senate seat. One avid caller from Great Britain who was a book writer said that Asians should have their US citizenship taken away. And this came up again when now San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee ran for his office last year. And I have never heard anyone challenge them on any of it. Just like critics in here don't like how Chinese people don't criticize the Chinese government. But then there would be no Chen Guangcheng or any other dissident, would there? And they complain about China?

Unless those dissidents have lived in the West for quite a while, they really don't know much about the dark side of Western world because they missed out on the ugliness of politics here. Those of us who have lived in the West for a prolonged periods of time in both worlds have a totally different view. The wealthy literally own the politicians here. Look at the leaders who have been running Canada for years. Also, do those activists even know what crony capitalism is?

That's why I personally treat China bashers as grossly biased individuals who believe their POV is the ONLY right one regardless of others' cultures, beliefs and traditions. The world outside of their little own is much bigger.

Mr T

Senior Member
Chen's "escape" just shows he wasn't as imprisoned in his own home as the propaganda says. What? All of the sudden the secret state police dropped the ball.

First, who said they were "secret state police"? I've read reports that said many of his guards are hired hands. Second, even professionals make mistakes. That's why people escape prison. Chen might have been heavily guarded, but there wasn't an electrified fence with watchtowers running around his house.

But maybe you're right. Maybe this is all yet an international Illuminati conspiracy to make China look bad. Chen was never under house arrest. His child really wasn't banned from going to school. International news reporters who have tried to visit him weren't actually obstructed from going to his house. The people who "assaulted" Christian Bale were actually actors and the whole thing was filmed in Wyoming. Yes, it's so clear now.... :D

No one can deny every dissident coming out of China that gets to the West become nothing.

They get asylum and the chance to start a new life. That's why they leave China, because they fear for their lives and want to get somewhere safe.

And I don't think in black and white so don't assume I think human rights violations don't occur in China.

Ok, so what news stories have the foreign media got right on human rights in China and the Chinese government's rebuttals have been pathetic lies?


New Member
I'm more interested in the people or rather the "NGO" in the US who apparently have connection to his escape. I mean where do organisations like China-aid get their funding and more importantly the people behind it, do they have associations with the Falun gong, Tibetan nationalists or Taiwanese nationalists? China has no shortage of enemies like these who would be happy to tear apart the lives of a billion people just to settle a personal grudge because the communist wronged their family generations ago. This is why I am always sceptical whenever the west start cheerleading for human rights in China.


The Capitalist
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OK gents we are doing pretty well so far but lets keep it on topic and wander off onto too many tangents esp regarding other dissidents now overseas. Popeye's remit on this topic is deliberately narrow and precise, so we must all respect this otherwise he maintains the sole discretion as to whether or not to close the thread.

Mr T

You have made a claim about the legality of Mr Chen's home detention order and you have been challenged by a moderator to substantiate that claim. I am fully inclined to take the lead from the moderation style on this site's older sister; Defence Talk, where such things are not regarded kindly.

In which case, you have 24 hours to either retract or to provide copies of the original detention order, the relevant codex sections of the Chinese Law and a clear explanation how the former is breach of the latter. By original I mean from a formal legitimate Chinese site and of course written in the original Chinese.
Failure to do so will result in a long holiday, or a length yet to be determined.
I may consider an extension of the grace period if you can give me a viable reason.


New Member
A blind man scales the wall of his house, walks for miles to a rendezvous, and is spirited away to the US Embassy in Beijing outsmarting the goon squad that confined him? All on his own? Not really. He had the help of quite a lot of other Chinese people. Some of these Chinese people may have been in high positions of power.

As has been pointed our by others on this thread, when Mr. Chen is exiled to the US, he will disappear into obscurity. Who knows what the purpose of the Chen fiasco really is? Upper bureaucratic types deciding that the time has come to do a little house-keeping? With Chen in the US, Chen is no longer a lighting rod for Hollywood's egocentrics. Also, it provides a splendid opportunity to do a little housekeeping of some dead-wood in "upper management".

It was not Mr. Chen that was causing problems for a harmonious society, it was Mr. Chen's heavy handed bumbling fossil of an "administrator" that was causing all the spotlights to be brightly shown his own embarrassing incompetence.

And the purge goes on.......And the purge goes on....

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