@ A mace -- I feel like your arguments would be far stronger without the occasional reference to bladerunner's hello kitty remark. It's been what, nearly two years now?![]()
Chen's "escape" just shows he wasn't as imprisoned in his own home as the propaganda says. What? All of the sudden the secret state police dropped the ball. I thought every move of every person in China is under surveillance like Westerners think. So if they have that information wrong, you'd better believe a lot of the other propaganda is wrong too. No one can deny every dissident coming out of China that gets to the West become nothing. That means the cause they stood for wasn't important. They were being used for other countries' agendas.
And I don't think in black and white so don't assume I think human rights violations don't occur in China. I know that's the anti-China tactic to suppress any other alternate view so that only one is perpetuated. And who thinks like a communist now? It's just I know those that complain don't really care. You have the anti-China side complain about Chinese girls wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts on the streets of their countries. Hello Kitty is Japanese and it's still a threat somehow? And people complain China suppresses freedom of expression? It's absolutely bizarre how Hello Kitty is seen as a threat somehow but I actually know what it means. It's a threat to culture because it's as simple as it being foreign and not one's own. If it's true complaints about Chinese girls wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts was expressed on the radio, there has to be of like minds out there to understand complaints about something so superficial. And the simplist explanation is it's foreign and they see a Chinese girl liking something foreign as disloyalty. You know where you see that type of thinking also? Cults. Cults want control over their members so they force them to wipe the slate clean in order to instill their values. How do you do that? You have the members demonize and denounce their own families cutting them off from their own heritage so that the only world they know is what the cult defines it as. Like I said before the mechanism for suppression of freedoms is what's different not that some violate and others don't.
What did this guy do in order to be called a dissident? We do have some guys under observation by our internal security because they want to tear down our gouvernment structure, if all of them went to some embassy and made a fuzz there would be little space left for other news.
It's such a perfect example to the extreme. I could bring up how I'd hear people complain on talk radio about seeing Asians going to the electronics store buying Japanese electronics. Or how some people don't like how there's all these Asian grocery stores and why don't they buy from the mainstream American supermarkets. It goes on and it's all about the same thing as Hello Kitty t-shirts. But Hello Kitty t-shirts is so wonderful an example because it shows how far it goes that some people don't want others to express their own basic freedoms. I heard a radio talk show host who was a big Democratic Party mover and shaker complained about Asians voting for Asian political candidates. This was back when Matt Fong was up against Barbara Boxer for the California US Senate seat. One avid caller from Great Britain who was a book writer said that Asians should have their US citizenship taken away. And this came up again when now San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee ran for his office last year. And I have never heard anyone challenge them on any of it. Just like critics in here don't like how Chinese people don't criticize the Chinese government. But then there would be no Chen Guangcheng or any other dissident, would there? And they complain about China?
Chen's "escape" just shows he wasn't as imprisoned in his own home as the propaganda says. What? All of the sudden the secret state police dropped the ball.
No one can deny every dissident coming out of China that gets to the West become nothing.
And I don't think in black and white so don't assume I think human rights violations don't occur in China.