Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


If Brazil air craft carrier the Sa0 Paulo has a conventional CATOBAR system why don't they upgrade their fighters to F/A-18 or even the French Rafael?

The French Navy seriously considered leasing Hornets to fly from Foch and Clemenceau pending the arrival of Rafale. They actually conducted carrier trials of the F-18 aboard Clemenceau, but found that although the Hornet could technically operate from the ship, it couldn't carry anything resembling a useful load when doing so (just a pair of Sidewinders, the gun ammo, & just barely enough gas to get up to altitude & fuel up from a tanker).

Don't know about the Rafael. I am sure that the Brazilians are using the A-4s as a stop gap until the they can get a carrier version of the JAS-39.


Merkava mark 1 would a be Tank introduction but A poor player against T72's. Syrian T72's have been proven to eat Merkava Mk's1 For a light dinner.
a 105mm Cannon, Rolled Homogenius armor vs a 125mm cannon and Modern armor.
. No If the Israelis are willing to give Nammer then the best choice would be to push for either updated Merkava Mk3 or full Mk4.
that Said Nammer is a very very good hull for a APC and potential IFV but against T72's particularly ones that may be borderline T90. You need a true MBT. remember the T90 is based on the T72 Hull and the Venezuelans have been getting priority pick of the Russian military tit on which to suckle. Those T72's are going to have all the modern goodies.
Columbia would need a Tank that can with only half the numbers Chew up the 92 Venezuelan Army's and ask for more.

I checked to see which model of the T-72 the Venezuelan Army received. I was convinced that it was the T-72M, however I was incorrect. It was the T-72B1V tanks with increased reactive armour plates. This is a far more dangerous version.

Additionally I researched the effectiveness of the T-72 in conflict with Israel, specifically in southern Lebanon. It seems that the T-72 fared very well against the M-60 (didn’t specify the upgraded version) and against the Merkava Mark 1. So you assumption of a possible Mark 3 or 4 acquisition is very likely. My main concern of course are the bridges and their ability to operate this type of heavy vehicle. It would really limit the tactical mobility on combat operations.


Venezuela armed forces are now equipped with Russian made 2S23 Nona 120mm mortar carrier.

The army of Venezuela has become one of the best customers for the Russian defense industry. During the last military parade which comemorates the 20th anniversary of the failed coup attempt by President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, the Russian made self-propelled mortar vehicle 2S23 Nona-SVK was shown for the first time.


A 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar carrier 120mm drives during a military parade commemorating the 20th anniversary of the failed coup attempt by President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday Feb. 4, 2012

The first batch of mortars was delivered from Russia in January, to enter service in the Venezuelan armed forces.

Although the exact number of 2S23 Nona-SVK received is not known, it is believed that the Army currently has at least 18. The first batch of vehicles was delivered to the 412th Armored Battalion.

The 2S23 Nona-SVK is a wheeled self-propelled mortar carrier designed and manafactured by the Russian defence industry. The 2S23 is armed with 120mm 2A60 breech loaded mortar. A 7.62 mm machine gun is mounted on the top of the turret.

Maximum range of fire is 8.85 km with ordinary projectiles, 12.8 km with rocket assisted projectiles and 7.15 km with mines.


Venezuela army is now equipped with Russian made self-propelled howitzer 2S19.

Venezuela bought from Russia, the latest version of the Russian made tracked self-propelled howiter 2S19. This vehicle he was seen for the first time in the country during the military parade marking 200 years of Venezuela's independence in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday July 5, 2011.


Venezuela army Russian made 2S19 self-propelled howitzer during the military parade marking 200 years of Venezuela's independence in Caracas, Venezuela, July 5, 2011.

Rosoboronexport (Russian state agency in charge of military exports) has established mutually beneficial arms trade ties with Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, and Ecuador through active marketing efforts. These countries express their interest in Russian air defense systems, radars, combat aircraft and helicopters, naval equipment, and small arms.

The 2S19 "MSTA-S" is a self-propelled 152 mm howitzer designed and manufactured by Russia, which entered service in 1989 as the successor to the
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. The vehicle is based on the T-80 tank hull, but is powered by the T-72's diesel engine.


Tyrant King
KC-390 Prototype Final Assembly Underway At Embraer

Aviation Week & Space Technology
Guy Norris
Wed, 2014-04-30 17:58
Sub-assemblies come together as Embraer closes on initial airlifter production contract
A version of this article appears in the April 21 edition of Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Embraer will begin final assembly of the first KC-390 multirole tanker transport at the end of April, marking a major milestone in the Brazilian company’s ambitious plans to diversify into the military airlifter market.

The fuselage, empennage and wing sections of the first aircraft are being completed prior to assembly at a specially built production site at Gaviao Peixoto, Embraer’s extensive test facility near Araraquara in south-central Brazil. The final body join, expected to take around three weeks, starts the clock ticking on a fast-paced development-and-test program, which is set to begin with first flight at the end of this year and culminate in entry into service with the Brazilian air force (Forca Aerea Brasileira-FAB) in 2016.

The twin turbofan-powered airlifter was launched in 2009 when the Brazilian government signed a development contract with Embraer. “Negotiations are ongoing” to convert a letter of intent from the FAB for 28 aircraft into a firm production contract, says Fernando Fialho, KC-390 program strategy manager. The company, which is building the initial two KC-390 prototypes under a firm contract, expects negotiations to be completed in coming months. In addition, Embraer holds letters of intent for a further 32 aircraft from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Czech Republic and Portugal.

Based on FAB requirements for a replacement for its fleet of 22 C-130Hs, the 115.5-ft.-long KC-390 has emerged as a key competitor to Lockheed Martin’s C-130J. Embraer believes its fly-by-wire, turbofan-powered KC-390 could take a 15-20% portion of the C-130 replacement market, which it estimates as 728 aircraft in 77 countries. Designed with faster transit speeds in mind, the International Aero Engines (IAE) V2500-E5-powered aircraft will be able to make short-field takeoffs and landings from austere strips and yet have an airliner-like cruise speed of 465 kt. (Mach 0.8) at an operational ceiling of 36,000 ft. The maximum payload will be 57,320 lb. (26 tons), although design range with a distributed load of 50,700 lb. is 1,200 nm.

After a series of design evolutions the final configuration was confirmed following a critical design review in 2013. The KC-390’s cargo compartment is 41.6 ft. long, 11.3 ft. wide and varies in height from 10.5 ft. in the aft ramp area to 9.7 ft. in the forward fuselage. An integrated cargo-handling system is designed for loading vehicles or, alternately, up to seven 88-in.-wide 463L-standard military air cargo pallets or, in a mixed configuration, 36 troops or 30 paratroopers and six 463L pallets loaded lengthwise. Up to 80 regular troops can be transported in airlift operations. The ramp is 19 ft. long, 11.3 ft. wide, and total useful volume of the cargo compartment is 5,968 cu ft.

Unlike the traditional assembly of previous Embraer aircraft, which begins with integration of the wing box and center fuselage, the KC-390 fuselage will be put together before the high-mounted wing is added. Czech manufacturer Aero Vodochody delivered the last major component, the rear fuselage, directly to Embraer in March, along with other elements including doors, hatches, the cargo ramp and fixed leading edge. The aft fuselage section, at 21.3 X 14.7 X 10.8 ft., was the largest single aerostructure ever made in the Czech Republic, according to Aero.

Other key structural partners include Argentina’s Fabrica Argentina de Aviones, which is responsible for the cargo ramp door, tail cone and spoilers; Portugal Engineering Manufacturing (OGMA), which provides fuselage panels, fairings and doors; St. Louis-based LMI Aerospace, supplier of leading-edge slats. Spain’s Aernnova, a longtime Embraer supplier with a plant in Sao Jose, is responsible for the composite flaps, ailerons and rudder.

An iron bird test rig for the KC-390 is also under assembly at Embraer’s Eugenio de Melo engineering facility in Sao Jose dos Campos. The rig will be used to validate avionics and flight controls, as well as electric and hydraulic systems. Close by in the same facility an engineering mockup of the cockpit and forward fuselage section has been assembled to help define the layout of the Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion flight-deck and mission-systems avionics, twin Elbit head-up displays and active side-stick controllers developed by BAE Systems.

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KC390 is coming along.


Brazilian Army has awarded Thales to deliver Sotas communication systems for combat vehicles.

The Brazilian Army has awarded Thales contracts for the delivery of Sotas communication systems for various vehicle programmes, such as the new Guarani vehicle, the Cascavel, the M113 and the Urutu refurbishment programmes. The systems will be delivered in June 2014. A transfer of maintenance to the end-user is part of the contract.

A first batch of Sotas systems was purchased in 2011 to be tested in various armoured vehicles. Division General Antonino dos Santos Guerra Neto, the Brazilian Army's Commander of Communications and Electronic Warfare - CCOMGEX, stated that the Sotas system has been tested in a range of operational situations and has met CCOMGEX's stringent requirements in every respect. Sotas was selected thanks to its superior performance, its modularity that enables easy upgrades, its world-wide references and its ease of operation.

Sotas is the centre of all voice and data communications in the Guarani, integrating various sensors, data terminals and radios. The Guarani programme has a potential of more than 2,000 vehicles.

With the lion’s share of the region’s defence spending, Brazil is building one of the most advanced military apparatus in the world and their renewed confidence in Thales is proof that whenever critical Defence decisions are made, we are the partner of choice. Sotas is one of the most advanced communication solutions for the digitisation of the battlespace and will enable Brazilian Forces to dramatically increase situational awareness at all levels of the command structure.” said Hervé Derrey, Vice-President of Thales’s Radio Communication Products Busines.


The Brazilian Air Force’s New F-5EM/ F-5FM (F-20 lite?)

The Northrop F-5E and F-5F were incorporated into FAB at the beginning of the 1970s. F-5EM/FM enhancements involve a wide range of internal systems, but Elbit and Embraer were helped by the smaller, lighter nature of modern electronics. The only noticeable external change to the aircraft is the new and larger nose cone, to accommodate the larger Grifo radar antenna. Inside, however, it’s a whole new fighter.

Hardware & Comms: Aerial refueling probe installed, SELEX’s modern Grifo radar, modern radar warning systems and countermeasures dispensers, improved IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe), a datalink for exchanging information with ground systems or Brazil’s R-99 surveillance aircraft. Two modern computer systems run the avionics and combat systems, along with a modern mission planning system and virtual in-flight training systems that can simulate a wide variety of situations.


Pilot Performance: A “glass cockpit” of 3 multifunctional digital color displays, DASH Helmet Mounted Display integration and equipment, a cockpit-mounted Head Up Display, plus HOTAS (Hands on Stick & Throttle) Controls, fuel management systems, redundant GPS navigation, an On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), and newer ejection seats.

All displays are compatible with night vision goggles, and the combined effect of the changes turns Brazil’s F-5s from daytime, fair-weather fighters to day/night, all-weather aircraft. As a further benefit, the combination of the Grifo radar and Elbit cockpit and computers gives the upgraded F-5s commonality with Brazil’s “A-29″/ EMB-314 Super Tucano light attack turboprops and “A-1A”/ AMX fighters, which are also the subject of upgrade contracts involving Embraer and Elbit.


Weapons: After the upgrades, F-5 EM/FM fighters can carry a wider range of weapons, including RAFAEL’s Derby beyond visual range air-air missiles, Brazilian Piranha and Israeli and Python short range air-air missiles, and laser-guided bombs. In exchange, they lose 1 of their 2 initial 20mm cannons.

Embraer and Elbit have been cooperating in a number of areas, and LAAD 2011 deepened that relationship by creating a joint venture to market unmanned air systems in Brazil. Elbit’s Hermes 450 UAV is already beginning use in the military FAB. With the new F-5s slated to serve for another 15 years, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a future upgrade add data streaming and control capabilities for compatible UAV drones.

Just as a side note. The Brazilian Air Force loves its F-5 since it is a very economical aircraft to operate and maintain. Brazil purchased some 12+/- used (very low air hour) F-5Es from Jordan and incorporated them into the fleet.



In August 2004, the Brazilian Air Force signed a contract with Embraer for a mid-life update of 53 single seat (designated A-1A) and two-seat (A-1B) aircraft. The programme failed to receive funding, but in August 2007, Embraer received the first of three prototype aircraft to be upgraded. Elbit of Israel was awarded a development contract for the avionics upgrade of two prototype aircraft in November 2008. The upgrade includes three new multifunction colour displays, head-up display, helmet-mounted display, a new radar, a radar warning receiver, forward looking infra-red system, laser target designator, datalink, night vision goggle compatibility and new communications and navigation suite. The upgrade programme is expected to be completed by the end of 2015.

Embraer was contracted by the Brazilian Air Force in January 2011 to modernise the structural components, and supersede and renovate the outdated equipment of 53 AMX international fighters. This is a follow on contract to the upgrade contract signed in August 2004. Flight testing of the upgraded aircraft began in late 2012 with first delivery early 2013.


This aircraft is a Boeing 707-385C (Cóndor), ex-Lan Chile (CC-CEB) traspassed to Chilean Air Force, then modified by IAI with Phalcon AEW system.

F16 Block 50 Chilean Air Force

The Chilean Air Force A-36CC Halcon (Casa C-101CC)