I think you didn't read the whole thing through. Mr. Ling Jihua is arrested in China. His brother, Ling WanCheng, held the documents in the US as a threat to the Chinese government that should they arrest Ling Jihua, Ling Wancheng would release those documents to the FBI. So they told China that these documents were taken; the Chinese obviously analyzed what they were and how important they were in order to decide how to respond. It seems that they were indeed quite important in 2012 (the time they were taken) and thus, they kept Ling Jihua safe for over 3 years. Now, they've decided to arrest him, knowing that those documents would be handed to the US by Ling WanCheng. So, why did they arrest Ling Jihua now? The best guess is that 3 years is how long they feel is adequate for those documents to lose their destructiveness.Well, this was a tremendous success of US intelligence. Getting informations from the top of any government, let alone such an important world politics player as PRC, is always something to be proud of for special services. So it was released now (or a month earlier but it didn't get too much attention) to make public appeal that they're working. And they do their job great.
We don't know what was in those documents and Chinese side itself probably doesn't know the full extent of it. It's not wikileaks. We only know more or less of what they informed the press (without too much details also). But we know that many top secret documents were given to Americans. We know that Chinese really didn't want this to happen. We know that US had already anlyzed all of it and put the informations into their working areas. I bet many people's lives were put on the edge of the knife in this situation.
Mr Ling and his family will be a treated as traitors to their nation for decades. They will have a poor life for maybe two or three generations for that (those members who were left in PRC). Mr Ling will have a luxurious life for the end of his days under a strong US secret services protection. But he deserved that looking from US side and it probably was worth every penny. PRC will of course amend and improve in whatever aspect they can but it was surely terrible blow for them. And Mr Ling's case will be surely brouth up in many works for decades the same way as the cold war times spy stories are brought up today.
And the CIA will not protect Ling Wancheng for life; that is a huge undertaking in man hours and talent to protect someone around the clock for decades who was only useful when he still had the classified documents. And to the best of my knowledge, in history, no Chinese defector who gave classified documents to a rival nation has died of natural causes, not even under US protection. It may be over a decade later, but Ling WanCheng signed his death warrant by following through with that threat. Even the US doesn't care what happens to him now, since he has no more access to Chinese documents; they'll just protect him a bit longer maybe another year or 2 before they tell him it's clear and send him on his way.