The problem with nuclear Op-Plans and command and control systems being revealed to your adversary is that - now they know where to look for weaknesses - and it is extremely hard to change the whole system and starting from scratch. Every step in the procedures are now compromised because of the structural weaknesses that exist in every kill chain that could be exploited. Every component inside every step is also compromised. So now the adversary will be free to target every single component to stop the kill chain. Eg. Do PLA Rocket Force communicate using VHF or UHF? Knowing what type allows them to jam it maybe even just temporarily. But even stopping the kill chain just temporary is catastrophic. Because during a nuclear exchange - the one that launch late has their chance of survival drastically diminished - the adversary may even wipe them out before they can even launch.
Or do the Chinese president carry a nuclear football?? What's the security composition on this? Can it be compromise, or stolen, or ambushed? Now that secret is out it makes the adversary easier to figure out strategies to compromise it.
Or who do you kill to stop the chinese leadership?? Who can you threaten to stop the kill chain? Who can you BRIBE to stop the kill chain? Now there are just too many possibilities.
Another interesting thing that came out of this is that - the MSS apparently has multiple kill-teams in US looking for this guy. The NSA and FBI apparently got the wind of it and put him in a secure facility. Maybe even the entire Chinese NOC list is also compromised. Who knows!
Really? Do you have privileged information on what was compromised that was not detailed in the article? How would you know what would or wouldn't be easy to change?
Multiple kill teams in the US? You believe that just because a western article speculates that it may be the case?
Real life isn't a Hollywood movie, where the fate of Everything(tm) rests on a single plot device.