BRICS & New World Order Thread


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The funny thing is,recently alot of left wing party took control of South America governments. And Chinese media applaud these left wing presidents,because they are seen as "anti West" and “friendly to China”.

But it turned out not so simple. Politically they might be friendly towards China,but economically they actually hurt Chinese interests,by nationalize Chinese company asset and impose high tariff on Chinese goods
There are many good reasons why Latin America has historically failed to achieve its development potential. This is one such reason.


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Remember that those retired Singaporean diplomats trained the following generations.

In his writings, Lee Kuan Yew was 80% convinced that one day, China would displace the US military in the Malacca Straits and that Singapore would have to prepare for such a shift.

My guess is that every Singaporean diplomat is familiar with this, as LKY certainly wrote and spoke enough on the topic.

As for those rich elite Singaporeans who prefer China submit to US hegemony, have they never watched the opening scene of Crazy Rich Asians, where the rich Singaporeans face discrimination and racism for being Chinese? Today, you can plainly see the racial dog-whistles from the Republican right-wing.

I would say Singapore should be able to remain neutral in a China-US contest. The vast majority of ASEAN agrees on neutrality, and a combined ASEAN is big enough to resist the USA or China.



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BRICS countries adjust tariff rate on EV imports

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India : whole car EV 60% adjust to 70%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 35%

Brazil: EV 10% adjust to 18%,Hybrid 10% adjust to 25%. EV and Hybrid adjust to 35% from 2026

South africa: EV 15% adjust to 25%

Egypt: EV adjust to 0%

Ethiopia:whole car EV 30% adjust to 15%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 5%

Saudi Arabia:EV 0-5% adjust to 5%

UAE:EV 5% no change

Iran:EV 10-20% adjust to 20-25%

Russia:EV 0% adjust to 15%


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The funny thing is,recently alot of left wing party took control of South America governments. And Chinese media applaud these left wing presidents,because they are seen as "anti West" and “friendly to China”.

But ironically,they actually hurt Chinese economic interests,by nationalize Chinese company asset and impose high tariff on Chinese goods
China isn't an imperialist country. China doesn't force their interests over the interests of others.


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BRICS countries adjust tariff rate on EV imports

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India : whole car EV 60% adjust to 70%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 35%

Brazil: EV 10% adjust to 18%,Hybrid 10% adjust to 25%. EV and Hybrid adjust to 35% from 2026

South africa: EV 15% adjust to 25%

Egypt: EV adjust to 0%

Ethiopia:whole car EV 30% adjust to 15%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 5%

Saudi Arabia:EV 0-5% adjust to 5%

UAE:EV 5% no change

Iran:EV 10-20% adjust to 20-25%

Russia:EV 0% adjust to 15%

Just for perspective, it would seem that the above is simply aligning EV tariffs with the general ICE tariffs (or In other words, removal of subsidy for EV)

eg; ICE Tariff

India: Large Cars - 100%, Medium Cars - 70%
Brazil: 35%
South Africa: 25%


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BRICS countries adjust tariff rate on EV imports

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India : whole car EV 60% adjust to 70%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 35%

Brazil: EV 10% adjust to 18%,Hybrid 10% adjust to 25%. EV and Hybrid adjust to 35% from 2026

South africa: EV 15% adjust to 25%

Egypt: EV adjust to 0%

Ethiopia:whole car EV 30% adjust to 15%,components and SKD 30% adjust to 5%

Saudi Arabia:EV 0-5% adjust to 5%

UAE:EV 5% no change

Iran:EV 10-20% adjust to 20-25%

Russia:EV 0% adjust to 15%

These are all countries that already have heavy tariffs on their auto industry.

The goal of these countries are to attract FDI from automakers to setting up locally.

People that post these videos are simply clueless. They are not the same as US tariffs which are targeted just at Chinese automakers.